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patterdale X whippet

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Hi just out of pure interest does a paterdale X whippet make a good cross for a small lamping dog, Does anyone have any pictures of this cross? Or would I be better of with a Bedlington whippet?


all the best rory

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Guest Dale
Hi just out of pure interest does a paterdale X whippet make a good cross for a small lamping dog, Does anyone have any pictures of this cross? Or would I be better of with a Bedlington whippet?


all the best rory


a few years ago a bloke who used to live near me had 1 , 19'' was amazing on rabbits , ive been after same also have posted on here about them no 1 seems to have a clue , :) i suppose there just not a popular x ,




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Guest jeff.s


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My Mrs has got a beddy whippet x with a big black fell type of dog, the mother was the whippet cross and the father the pat, the father was an out and out earth dog and the mother a cracking little lamping bitch. The offspring well if i said they were ugly you wouldnt know the half of it!! The face of whippet, 16" to shoulder with a curly tail and slighlty broken coated! they were an accident obviously but the mrs wanted a pet she could take out ratting and occasionally come ferreting and bit of lamping. I have to say the bitch (the dog that is) is only just a year old and has been a cracking little ratter thus far, got real determination prob thinks its a lot bigger than it is! up to date has caught 4 rabbits on the lamp from 5 nights out and is as entertaining as hell to watch stops at nothing and never gets hurt!! she has had a few days out ferreting and is very sharp but not fast enough on the longer runs! This type of dog would be fine for somebody who mostly ferreted hedgrerows woods etc and did a bit of ratting but as an out and out rabbit dog you'd need something bigger and faster over a longer stretch, she's great fun to watch work and we now have to watch her cos she's trying to go to ground but def has her draw backs! one min she's walking by your side nicely on the lead like a little whippet would the next she turns into demented terrier trying to pull your arm off, prob is in the dogs head she don't know what she is at times, hopefully soon she'll work it out!!

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Does any one have any pictures of this cross as i would be interested to see how they look? i don’t know much about breeding lurchers but if I crossed a patterdale with a whippet and then crossed that with a whippet again is there a chance i would get some good dogs? as then they would have plenty of speed and allot of will power and determination from the terrior but it would still be a small dog.

all the best rory

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i have that cross mate ,defo not a lamping dog, very good ferreting dog or bushing mine looks just like a lanky patt :D threw to about 15" think she was 3/4 terrier though, still the mother was'nt much taller,

i think there may be a problem with the size they throw ,for serious lamping mate

i've put a bull /whippet on mine,just had pups :good:

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i would of thought a bedy/ whippit would be better.

WHY. dont get me wrong and i;ll stick my neck out BUT straight ;pedigree bedlingtons are not what they was and maybe never . the majority of earth dogs are three quarter bred be it lakeland /patterdale stick em acoss a whippet and they will hunt like; well lads who have em will know. bit of a problem on the lamp i have a 3/4 bred that will face anything to ground but has come to grieaf on the funny fella;s [only one thing on her mind ].could never even think about lamping with her sh;ed be gone sweat ing thinking about it. but if you know your area and your confident enough. and be prepared for it/ her going to ground go for one this is my opinion only. good luck

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Does any one have any pictures of this cross as i would be interested to see how they look? i don’t know much about breeding lurchers but if I crossed a patterdale with a whippet and then crossed that with a whippet again is there a chance i would get some good dogs? as then they would have plenty of speed and allot of will power and determination from the terrior but it would still be a small dog.

all the best rory


Hi Blando you can get ped whippets of all weights & heights whippet racing weights vary from 14lb to 32lb there are also some a lot bigger height wise from 16 inch to 21 which is the limit but again some are much bigger to cross a whippet with a terrier will dileute the speed

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Hi I realise it will dilute the speed, but what I was thinking is why are the non ped racing whippets faster than the peds I was told because fighting terrier blood has been bred into them to give them more fight and determination. My stupid logic was that this mite be the same as many patterdales seem to be very determined dogs. But I can see without diluting the terrier blood some more they will not have the [bANNED TEXT] build to go fast. At was just a thought and I don’t think it will make any better lurchers than already exist so I wont risk the chance of not finding homes for pups in the process trying

Thanks guys all the best rory

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