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lurcher barking after its game

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  ferret feller said:
ferret up a few live'uns or buy some and go too the biggest feild around your area and release them one by one.... should catch them and loose its frustration...

this method works well for young dogs, but totally illegal, i know lads who have been prosecuted for this

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  munsterlurcher said:
iv got lurcher she it 15 mths old lads and when she is after the bigger rabbit during the day she barks behind him what is the reason and how can i stop her from doin this cause it a bad thing tanx lads

as she killed any longears ? if she as then there she started to yap injury could be the problem styful /fracture hock / L.7 /torn muscles there goes speed over turning cant keep tight on her quarry / rist /toes/ trap nerves beteen the shoulder which causes them not to strecth out propley it can be many factors or some dogs avnt got it

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What you have is a right nuisance, i know because i have the same problem. Mine is down to two things, starting her too young because i was an idiot and then she started it again when she came back from a long lay up after injury. Mine is ok when shes worked regular and her confidence is up but it does happen when shes not been worked for a while but usually only until she catches then she goes back to being quiet.


if you work out how to stop it then please tell me as i cant stop mine! its a case of getting used to it or getting rid i think but dont take my word for it as im nowhere near as experienced as alot of the lads on here.


Good luck and good hunting!

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Guest Gavkent
  munsterlurcher said:
iv got lurcher she it 15 mths old lads and when she is after the bigger rabbit during the day she barks behind him what is the reason and how can i stop her from doin this cause it a bad thing tanx lads
you cant stop her doing it ive had two dogs do the same, shes calling for help, i know you dont want to hear it but at 15 months she should be catching those big rabbits if any good, different if just before pickup cos then excitement. had dogs do it on hares but not rabbits, try her lamping if she cant catch 50% of slips then think about new dog. only my opinion but its hard when u put time in if dog just doesnt have it, as a rule if they yap whilst running get rid.
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