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bad smell!!!!

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hi guys just after a word of advice pleae...

i was cleaining out my ferrets earlier and there was 1 hell of a ammonia smell i had never ever experienced it before... it wasnt unbarable but wasnt nice, i cleam them out regularly and have kept ferets for ages now and have never experienced a smell like that before coming from a hutch...

any ideas what it could be

p.s in the hutch its a hob and jill brother and sister so they will need splitting up in the next few weeks...


jazz :D

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noo mate i have had hob and jill ferrtes for ages....... and never smelt anything like it coming from a hutch they had cat litter and a tray...... i washed the cage out completely a few days ago with the hose and everything..

Edited by jazz_11
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would you imagine it to be simular to that of a skunk, my daughters two pet ones, let of this smell, when frightened, simular to cat pee, and its happened once in the ferret court


Thats the one. If they get real scared they let out a real ungodly smell.

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Thats the one. If they get real scared they let out a real ungodly smell.


'Ungodly' describes it well.


Ferret skunk strips the skin from your eyes..... :sick:


Worth noting they sometimes skunk when they're very excited. It might also imply impacted anal glands, so if you can feel hard nodules round the ferrets' arse a trip to the vet's is called for.



And before anyone starts no I don't make a habit of feeling a ferrets' arse :whistling:

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