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Guest mickyrichardson

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Guest mickyrichardson

Well didnt set off to the land till 11 as i needed to sort my insurance out this morning.

Arrived at our destination at 11.40 it didnt look promising as we could see 2ft of covering :no: but we decided we'd give it ago.

What we planned on doing was walking a couple of small paddocks, which were un walkable so we stuck to the dry stone walls up to the fell. Toby marking a couple in the walls which were taken out as the walls are not tight and can remove rabbits without destroying the walls :) A 45 gallon drum that was laid on its side where toby found a rabbit looking for shelter so in he went and out with the bunny :clapper: As we reached the fell we could see it was gonna be really tough as in places it was very deep 4/5ft drifts, so we knew we were gonna find it hard wading through. there was plenty of rabbits to be seen and they were dropping into makeshift burrows in the snow, so we thought it would be best just to ferret these as trying to find a set in this snow would have been imposible. :hmm: the dog could not run on this and so we dropped a few nets round the first drift where we seen a couple of rabbits drop under ferret in two very quick rabbits out they dont half bolt out them drifts. Then we of coarse upto our midrif had to wade to them in the nets real good fun but very hard on the back and very hard for my little mutt we did a few more of these drifts and ended up with 14 rabbits and every rabbit bolted within seconds :boogie: sorry never felt like taking any photos only one before i set off as i was to fecking wet and cold so 14 not bad considering the conditions we were faced with ;)


and i'd just like to say thanks to fieldsportbunter for letting me carry all the rabbits :angry:






Edited by mickyrichardson
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Guest mickyrichardson
well done mate on the 14 rabbits, i bet the dog wished it had stayed at home with all that snow about ;)
no he loved not been able to walk or run and watch the bunnys glide off on top of the snow in front of him :icon_redface:
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Guest mickyrichardson
well done regardless of the weather micky , :) .. myself was out at the weekend away to warrington , again the weather was bad , but you plod along :)


all best



we were only there 2 hours mate never had the right footwear on needed tennis rackets ;)
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Guest mickyrichardson
Toby say's he's going to drive after you made him wallk last week! ;) Well in Micky lad, the tough lads are out doing a bit now! ;)
lol he a character i loaded the van up 2 hours before the off and he sat in that same spot waiting for me, im out again tomorro on lower land so should be a bit easier for me to walk and even i would have dug today as it was just snow but no need as the white lady and the black wench were on form ;)
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Guest mickyrichardson
Ferreting up by Catterick Micky on Saturday, loads of snow. Ferreting up by Leaming Bar on Sunday and hardly any snow at all,glad though, got a decent bag of 45 but, it was a slow day due to the Setts being very deep in sandy soil. :thumbs:
i do a good spot in catterick dont produce massive bags but "warren" says they the best tasting rabbits he's had for a long time and the landowner suplies me with 24 cans of carling per visit :drink::drink::drink:
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Guest mickyrichardson
Lucky sod :thumbs:
worst thing about it he likes it done throughout the summer cause i can go one week and empty the place then within a fortnight the place is riddled again and he hates them with a passion and there aint any otherway to control them other than ferret but they only shallow sets so not to bad to dig ;)
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Guest mickyrichardson
Good bag MR :victory: i only had 1-2ft of snow to contend with in places at Weardale today..dread too think what it would have been like on the top of the moor :o

you must have stayed low in the dales today wolsingham/frosterly i myself do a bit round them quarrys which would have been a better option for me today but im backward and like to push myself to extreme limits :icon_redface::D

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