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Well, as far as I know Gypsy's and travellers are not the same :( ...Gypsys are a race on their own and I've nothing against gypsy's or Jews so don't have a go at me guys... ;) Travellers, well there's the hippy type that are harmless and then there's the type that go round dumping shit in every field they stay in and conning old pensioners into having their roof/drive repaired...well they do round here anyway!...But of course there are some genuine travellers as testament on this web size proves so let's give them all the benefit of the doubt... ;) and stop the racist crap :) ...Just my opinion!

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Well, as far as I know Gypsy's and travellers are not the same ...Gypsys are a race on their own and I've nothing against gypsy's or Jews so don't have a go at me guys... Travellers, well there's the hippy type that are harmless and then there's the type that go round dumping shit in every field they stay in and conning old pensioners into having their roof/drive repaired...well they do round here anyway!...But of course there are some genuine travellers as testament on this web size proves so let's give them all the benefit of the doubt... and stop the racist crap ...Just my opinion!
well said pal most of them dont have a romany bone in there body but they ruin the term for all ;)
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Guest Countryboyo

Lads just wondering if any of the travellers on here know who sings this song. I think its called "the roads of kildare" It goes like this:

"Johnny was born in a mansion down in the county of clare, rosey was born on the roadside somewhere in county Kildare, destiny brought them together......"


Great song anyone know who sings it lads?

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Guest lurchers n lamps
i heard weve to stop callin travelers gypsys there now to be called caravan utiliseing nomadic travellers


or c.u.n.t.s for short :rolleyes::clapper: :clapper:

yeah i was licking your mums last night



nice come back your boyfriend help you with that caus your clearly not intelligent enouth to think of it by yourself

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im sick to the f*****g teeth of these absolutely ridiculous theads,why are we discriminated against ,why are we tarred with the same brush blaaaaaaa,blaaaaaaaaaaaa,blaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,WHO GIVES A FIDDLERS FCUK

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any travellers on here sick of people taking the piss the no good for nuffin gorgers
well i am not any of what you no about but i live in france im English and there's a lot of us here. to stay here i have to work . the french wont give you nothing so i have to work if you do a bad job it gets around quick so no work .

a lot of Brits come here and rip people of.so it gets round that people from the uk are rip of merchants iv got loads of work on because i don't rip people of and can be trusted. seem a bit like gypsys ;)

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im sick to the f*****g teeth of these absolutely ridiculous theads,why are we discriminated against ,why are we tarred with the same brush blaaaaaaa,blaaaaaaaaaaaa,blaaaaaaaaaaaaa ,WHO GIVES A FIDDLERS FCUK
:clapper: :stupid: Edited by wuzzy
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im not a traveller,but i know many familys i.e. the prices,joyces,wards,macdonnas,mcginlys thats just a few to name,but to call them all dog thieves and all the rest of it is silly because we get these in all works of life traveller or not.....trust me its the new age travellers we need to watch SCUM OF THE EARTH 100%

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