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any travellers on here sick of people taking the piss the no good for nuffin gorgers



the more you lead them on with topics like this the more flack you will get. So best just to ignore the comments whatever they may be....

i personally have no dislike for them as any i have met have always been very genuine towards me, my friend taught travelers to weld etc on a course and had great craic with them and they would of given him the shirt of their back,


however there are good and bad as in any walk of life so sit back and ignore the ignorant, they know no better.



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i heard weve to stop callin travelers gypsys there now to be called caravan utiliseing nomadic travellers


or c.u.n.t.s for short :rolleyes::clapper: :clapper:

yeah i was licking your mums last night

how is that?

























I could have sworn she was with me ;)

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If you don't like it go somewhere else,the trouble is most of us do know what most of you are like.It's your own peoples fault most of us feel this way,i myself lived a travelling life style for the best part of 20 years and have met many many travellers both english and irish,hippy and gypsy and know what i'm talking about.A lad i know who used to be on here had his home and motors robbed 2 days before xmas day by pikies so give it a rest with the hard done by story.Seems your nothing but a good for nothing hard done by gypo,don't like it do you?,so give it a rest with the name calling mate.

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Guest bullterrier
any travellers on here sick of people taking the piss the no good for nuffin gorgers




i heard weve to stop callin travelers gypsys there now to be called caravan utiliseing nomadic travellers


or c.u.n.t.s for short :rolleyes::clapper::clapper:

yeah i was licking your mums last night





with replies like that mate your asking for all the abuse you get and giving travelers a bad name because people will think there just like you

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its nuffin to do with bein hard dun by i go to work every day like any other person and pay for wat i own.it just seems on here every1 gets tared with the same brush

Paying and stealing are completely different things mate...

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