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A good friend on mine once said to me that he uses Creasote (the fence preserv) on his dogs cuts! After I nearly pissed my self with lafter I thought why would he say that? must be some method in his madness? MRD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

DERMABOND,,,doctors use it on cut,s if they cant stitch it,,,,,think athletes use it also


got to import it,,,get it on e,bay,,,,problem is not cheap



iam going to try,,andesive ( i think its called fake skin or skin seal ) u buy here out the chemist & i think u brush it on,,,i also have a cut on one off my dogs that keep opening



( i read on dermabond site when applying the adesive,,,push cut togther,,brush on and hold it there till set,s,,,,( i think that will apply to any other similar product )

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