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eBay Bans Knife Sales

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Are they going to ban the sale of screwdrivers as well?


What about baseball bats? How many people are injured by baseball bats each year. I think they should be licensed, and their sale by mail order should be stopped.................


Where will it all end.....

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When does this come into affect, just been on ebay and knives are still on sale. I thought it was just imported knives being banned, although for the life of me i don't see the difference ...




Don't know when they are bringing it in, just going off the announcement. http://www2.ebay.com/aw/uk/200902.shtml#2009-02-09183038


I assume they're giving sellers time to get rid sharpish (excuse the pun :icon_redface: )


I just wonder where the madness will end sometimes...

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Are they going to ban the sale of screwdrivers as well?


What about baseball bats? How many people are injured by baseball bats each year. I think they should be licensed, and their sale by mail order should be stopped.................


Where will it all end.....


pretty much anything can be used as a weapon cant it :(

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It's like banning all cars because a minority of drivers are dangerous/careless drivers. How many people are killed on the roads each year due to dangerous/careless driving?


I'm not sure, but I bet it's a damn sight more than victims of stabbings. :yes:


However, I'm not belittling knife crime far from it, but the only way this is going to be tackled is on the street, with tougher laws for offenders, not with token gestures from the likes of ebay.

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It's like banning all cars because a minority of drivers are dangerous/careless drivers. How many people are killed on the roads each year due to dangerous/careless driving?


I'm not sure, but I bet it's a damn sight more than victims of stabbings. :yes:


However, I'm not belittling knife crime far from it, but the only way this is going to be tackled is on the street, with tougher laws for offenders, not with token gestures from the likes of ebay.



Beat me too it :doh: exactly what i was thinking

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Think about it lads!...It's not the baseball bats and the kitchen devils in Sainsburys we need to worry about. It's the nasty fecking scummie kids that want to look wellard with a flash flick nife!...No street cred carrying a bread knife!


Yea so they can rob their mums kitchen or their dads shed for a weapon but it's not the same as having a nice piece of kit in your track suit trousers is it?


It's shit heads like the youth of today that mean I can't walk out with a sencible knife to gut a rabbit when the dog brings one back on a mooch.


I blaim that Blair, stopping us giving the lippy brats a thick ear.. :laugh::laugh:

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