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fox call

Guest air gunner

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Suck on your hand!!




Just make squeeking noises with your mouth!!


Practice, fox is naturaly curious and will react to lots of types of squeeking, I used my hands/mouth for years until only a year of 2 back when I was so cold/shivering/wet/windswept I simply couldn't make any reasonable noise, and a fox in sight...decided it was time to buy a call....




Not the best in the world but does for me most of the time...just £10 when I got it!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, ive just come over from the BBS,

Ive made my own call from a small MP3 player, a mini amp and a small horn speaker, all bought off that auction site for a grand total of £25.

Its a bit bigger than the ones you can buy in the shops but it works just as well and is only a fraction of the cost :clapper:

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