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free range hens.

Guest Countryboyo

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Guest Countryboyo

Hi lads Im thinking of getting a few hens maybe 3 and letting them run free by day and putting them in at night to stop fox getting them . would a normal dog house do for their hen house. its about 3 foot x 3 foot x 3 foot high ?? could I lock them in there at night ?

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That should be fine fella , as they'll only be in at night to roost etc, make sure there is good ventilation (without draughts) as their crap is very strong in the Ammonia dept. You'll have a ball with a couple of hens, not to mention eggs :clapper::clapper: .

They might take a while to perch though as not many ex batts have had a go at that treat.


Good luck and enjoy.




WAB :victory:

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hi mate put something in so they can roost/perch there not that keen about being on the floor. oh and dont asume foxy woxy will only come at night, I have well over a hundred hens and ive never lost one at night, any i have lost has been during the day they know there well protected at night so can only get them in day time, so when there hungry or have cubs the sly little barstewards they come in broad daylight. good luck and have fun

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Guest Countryboyo

Have a rabbit pen 15 foot by 15 foot but its only 4 and half foot high I was thinking I could put young chickens in there to get the dogs used of them and by the time their big enough to fly out the dogs should be broken to them???????

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my patterdale and sfaffie cross sunbath with ducks on a nice day, they now see the poultry and fowl as part of there pack, get yourself some guineafowl when they make a warning call and they will when they see anything strange aproaching ,it will alert your terrier, it wont take him long to twig on theres something about when they screech, if your lucky during the summer months they will roost in the trees (if you have any) and give you warning at night time, my terriers only have to here them now and mr fox is delt with, your own personal fox alarm.

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Guest Countryboyo
my patterdale and sfaffie cross sunbath with ducks on a nice day, they now see the poultry and fowl as part of there pack, get yourself some guineafowl when they make a warning call and they will when they see anything strange aproaching ,it will alert your terrier, it wont take him long to twig on theres something about when they screech, if your lucky during the summer months they will roost in the trees (if you have any) and give you warning at night time, my terriers only have to here them now and mr fox is delt with, your own personal fox alarm.


Thanks pal I have plenty of trees and stuff on my land I have 1/2 acre of rough land becide my lawn. do the guinea fowl go in at night too ya?

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Guest Countryboyo
Do you have to put hens in at night, or could you just leave their house open for them to go in themselves? As long as the pen was secure obviously? Just asking because I might be putting chucks on an allotment and I probably wont be there every day.


Once the fox cant get into the pen it would be grand id say

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Guest mickyrichardson

well my mates new hen shed is a beauty i helped him put a floting floor in the other day its about 12 meters long and 4 meters width but there alot of chickens going in there its a (chicken farm) and some more supreme ratting for the lads :clapper:

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Do you have to put hens in at night, or could you just leave their house open for them to go in themselves? As long as the pen was secure obviously? Just asking because I might be putting chucks on an allotment and I probably wont be there every day.

You could be posh and buy one of those battery opperated pop holes that open up in the morning and closes at night youll be the envey of the chicken hood :clapper:

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Guest Countryboyo
i've got a string on my door going to the kitchen window. when i see thechickens have gone to bed i untie the string and let the door down. in the morning i simply pull the door up with the string and tie it again, all from kitchen window. chickens yard is about 30 yardas away aswell!


you lazy fecker

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