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thinking about purchasing a ferret, any tips?got a few questions

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Please find someone who has a well handled ferret,you need to be confident with a ferret,i think that ferrets can sense when you are scared of them.

I let mine run round the house when not hunting,better than watching half the crap on tv.

If you do eventually get a kit handle the head alot,it will give you and the kit confidence.

Good luck.

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Please find someone who has a well handled ferret,you need to be confident with a ferret,i think that ferrets can sense when you are scared of them.

I let mine run round the house when not hunting,better than watching half the crap on tv.

If you do eventually get a kit handle the head alot,it will give you and the kit confidence.

Good luck.

thank you i think thats what iam going to do..... when i brought my brothers home i put it in my pocket and zipped it up didnt let it out all the way home ive never walked so fast in all my life but that thing just seemed to curl up and go to sleep in my pocket( still frightened to death)....actually now i think about it that little thing wasnt that scary as it couldnt really run that fast as it was tiny.............going to get used to the big ones first though and find a friendly one which i can get used to, defonatly think i want a hob

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Guest little lurcher

if its any help i was pretty much the same , i found a lovely chap , think he is on here called lone wolf, he had 2 young hobs , big lads but he handled them very well for me , id explained how afraid i was but was determined to get over my fear , i travelled from gt yarmouth in norfolk to durham to collect as he had dropped them at a mates and i met my boys , huge lads but silly things and fell in love!!! mr cheese now has a bed in the kitchen and often is thrown over my shoulder and does housework , plays in the garden with my 4yr old son and is a happy healthy ( although overweight lad!!) young man of just over 2 yrs , he follows me up and down hedgerows , comes to call even at times!! daft as a brush and tbh im hooked on the critters now!!! sadly his brother died but lives happily alone with plenty of love and attention from all the family , i just made myself get in and handle him and play everyday , lots of strokes and he is on his back ready for a belly rub!!!


just be confident and be happy where your ferret will come from , im so grateful for the early advice i got and now im over my fear im hoping to have many

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Where are you based, you are very welcome to come meet mine, the house ferrets are old and very gentle it might help you get used to them.

northumberland, my friend has some but those ones arnt very friendly and he thinks its funny to open the door when im near which sends me running........friendly ones might be a step in the right direction


PM me, Im in Northumberland too, you can come and see my ferts anytime, they are all soft as muck! Good little workers though :yes: They get handled so much every day.

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