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at the min she is in with another bitch when should i put her on her own

and what is the best heat bulb to use as i dont want to get one to warm or to cold :icon_redface:


thanks for all the help lads :notworthy:

how longs she got ? get her on her own asap get her well used to the welping area / box steady with the heat lamp to much heat is not good . the bitchs temprature will drop by up to 6 degrees 24 to 36 hrs before whelping the pups prior to being born are used to the bitchs tempreture 101-102 f .. i use a fan heater to get the welping area upto around 70 during whelping once all the pups are born the bitch is fed and thr all settled then i`ll put the heat lamp on . be guided by the bitch and dont interfere unless you really have to.. this is just my way everyones differant like i say i used to spread a bale of straw leave em to it and never had a problem -- to much informations not a good thing sometimes and when it all over you`ll wonder what all the fuss was about --
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at the min she is in with another bitch when should i put her on her own

and what is the best heat bulb to use as i dont want to get one to warm or to cold :icon_redface:


thanks for all the help lads :notworthy:

how longs she got ? get her on her own asap get her well used to the welping area / box steady with the heat lamp to much heat is not good . the bitchs temprature will drop by up to 6 degrees 24 to 36 hrs before whelping the pups prior to being born are used to the bitchs tempreture 101-102 f .. i use a fan heater to get the welping area upto around 70 during whelping once all the pups are born the bitch is fed and thr all settled then i`ll put the heat lamp on . be guided by the bitch and dont interfere unless you really have to.. this is just my way everyones differant like i say i used to spread a bale of straw leave em to it and never had a problem -- to much informations not a good thing sometimes and when it all over you`ll wonder what all the fuss was about --


she is 7 week on monday mate

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Make sure she is getting a bit extra food and less excersize, make sure you get her used to the whelping area before she is due so she is comfortable in it. Terriers normally whelp without any problems but pre-warn your vet of her due date just in case. Good luck with your litter


I wouldn't give her extra food, her body metabolism will have slowed down because she is pregnant and she won't need so much, also there is a risk her pups may be oversized and she has problems whelping.

Regarding excercise keep her active without overdoing it she'll benefit from it when she has them.

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She needs to go into the whelping area 2 weeks before she is due. This not only gets her used to the area but also primes her immune system so any antibodies that will be needed by the pups will be present in the colostrum.

Good luck and enjoy it ;)



thanks for that mate

cant wait now :clapper:

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Some good points here but some i woudlnt choose .Change the bedding as soon as the bitch will allow after pups are born .We all panic a bit but unless there is a complication then let her do it her way .What i will add is that if she is panting heavy but nothing is happening then dont leave it too late before calling the vet for advice .Enjoy .

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I think we could all give you enough info to sink a battleship.i will say count your placentas,and make sure you empty your bitch with oxytocin after whelping.More bitches have died because of infections and retained placentas,and dead pups.

Research your subject really well.hopefully no complications and you will love experience.

Good luck

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I think we could all give you enough info to sink a battleship.i will say count your placentas,and make sure you empty your bitch with oxytocin after whelping.More bitches have died because of infections and retained placentas,and dead pups.

Research your subject really well.hopefully no complications and you will love experience.

Good luck


thats realy handy to no thanks very much

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ive always found a fortnight before add some oil to her food, i find this oil their guts up and the pups slip out with no probs. i give mine cod liver oil caps every day in their food but if their in pup i add veg oil a fortnight before in their food aswell have bred a few litters in the past 25 years and this seems to work

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