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If you train basics,sit,down,stay,NO! etc properly and dont confuse the dog changing words,or spoil dog by letting it do what it wants.Then you should'nt have to go to the extremes of some people ie horse whip,kicking dog or hitting it.A shake by the scruff of the neck,a dog can understand,rolling dog on to floor and holding it there saying NO! the dog understands.

Hitting or kicking dog will just teach dog not to trust you,be afraid of you.

Sorry i dont get off on an animal being afraid of me,thats why alot of dogs recall is bad,would you go to someone who hit and kicked you i think not.

I train dogs for a living,and every mistake that has ever been done with dogs i have done,took me 25yrs to learn not to be an idiot.I train everything from bullmastiffs to whippets,i own 3 lurchers,2 whippets do i work them some of them yes!3 are pups at minute.

I wish you all the best mate.

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