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Hens for newbie help please.

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The long haired sargent major (my wife) said i can have some hens. The thing is i am honest in saying i aint got a clue.

What would be a good starting hens, all i'm after is for a couple of eggs in the morning. and the odd sunday lunch.

Also what size htuch and run would they need.

Many thanks all



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warrens or magpies (breeds) are good chickens and will produce a good amount of eggs for a long time. feed them on maze, layers pellets and scraps/leftovers from the kitchen. 5-6 chikens is a good place to start and you will need quite a large hutch. give them a dust bath and put some big logs in yopur garden and turn them over every week or so. this will let your chickens have a nice scratch aroung for beatles and worms. fence off any flowerrbeds or veg patchs though! you will need a pen at least 12ftx7ft for 5 chickens

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2 eggs a day is fine as there is only 2 of us.

we where thinking of getting 3 and working in a 3 month cycle every three months one gets replaced and one goes into our sunday roast.

i know how to clip wings so was thinking of lletting them have free range of the garden we have no plants as its a army garden so its just a matter of filling any hole s in the garden. and training the dog not to eat them.

many thanks for all the help just looking for a chicken coop now for them to sleep in.

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2 eggs a day is fine as there is only 2 of us.

we where thinking of getting 3 and working in a 3 month cycle every three months one gets replaced and one goes into our sunday roast.

i know how to clip wings so was thinking of lletting them have free range of the garden we have no plants as its a army garden so its just a matter of filling any hole s in the garden. and training the dog not to eat them.

many thanks for all the help just looking for a chicken coop now for them to sleep in.


if you want to eat them dont bother with hybrids as theres more meat on my slippers than one of these birds.

i breed light sussex chickens which are duel purpose for eggs and meat, even so to get much meat you still need to seperate them off and fattern them with fatterners ration.

i keep my hens for eggs and sell a few off to people to keep, when i want meat birds i buy in some basic cobb type and rear them for 8 weeks on free range they are only 50 pence each and very easy to rear.

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i kept my hens for 6 years until they stopped laying, these chickens were only bred for laying and not eating.

then i gave a quick twist of the neck to all of them :headshot:: , plucked em gutted em and stuck them in the freezer. if yoyu cooked them like you would a normal chicken you get from a shop then they would be tough and there would only be about 3 ounces of meat on them. you have to do what i said above ;)

Edited by aaronpigeonplucker
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cant remember where we got ours from, but do a google search on ex battery hens, we got 8 at 50p each, they look oven ready when we picked them up, but soon grew feathers, we now have 6 left, and are averaging between 4-5 eggs per day





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broilers taste al right after youve boiled them for half a day and put them in a curry!


youre right broilers can be a bit bland because they are reared intensivly in a large shed and never see the light of day but if you get the same birds and rear them on free range (they are then free range birds not broilers) from day old they are much better, to me they are as good as any traditional breed that i have breed for the table including dorking (and you get more meat).

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