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Cold but worth it.

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No outdoor sex, but i'm interested to see how many look at this post because i put that there :tongue2:


Anyway i had a good day today, albeit a bit cold i was only out for 3hrs, wanted to see the footie ;)


First warren didn't start too well, bolted one, but it was right on the edge of some brambles, dog got there pretty sharp, but got her bloody collar caught on some barbed wire, and ended up tangled while the rabbit done a runner :angry: , got the dog untangled and noticed she had cut her foot, not much but enough to start leaving blood around.

Well the fert was still down and about 20 mins later, one in the net :D

Next warren was a 22 holer, put 2 ferrets in this one but after 20 mins nothing doing and the younger fert is back out, just about to wrap it up and then i see my other fert coming out of the hole arse first with a bunny in his mouth :D no2 in the bag.

Next warren is a small 6 holer, 5 mins and i'm 3 up, no more interest from the ferts so off i go to the next one.

This warren normaly produces , so i felt confident, sure enough after about 10 mins no4 was netted.

Waited a while and got a mark, 2ft :clapper: dug down about 18 inches and out came no 5 :D

Next one has got to be one of my easiest rabbits, it was about 5 mins after the first dig and the ferret had another one in exactly the same place, i hadn't even backfilled it, so hand in and thankyou very much no6 :D

By now it was time to get them gutted, get cleaned up and a few beers watching the footie.

Ahhhhh, lifes still good :thumbs:





Can't upload other pics at the momment, i'll try later

Edited by Halfinch
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Nice one mate! :thumbs:


What footie match did you watch?


Jesus outdoor sex in this cold , we will have to call you quarter inch from now on :laugh::laugh::laugh:




Spurs v arseanal ;)


20 mins and 80 veiws, the sex thing is working :clapper::clapper:

Edited by Halfinch
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  • 2 weeks later...

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