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Whats your biggest bag taken


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157 squirells 80 rabbits 32 rats and 5 ferals all taken in a 12 hour session. It was on a farm that had been unused for several years and had been bought by a leisure company that were turning it into an ativity centre for kids it had become over run with pests and they asked me to clear as many as posible in the weeks leading up to the redevelopment.
im sorry mate but i cannot and will not believe that 157+80+32+5=274 :icon_redface: any photo's :hmm:


I agree with jamie. You only have 720 minutes in a twelve hour period so you would be shooting every 2.5 minutes or so. If thats true then sign me up next time you go out. ;)

Who said they were shot the squirells were shot with air rifle and trapped the rabbits were taken long netting and the dogs got quite a few of them the rats were trapped and the ferals were shot. It's pest control not hunting the land is a farm which has stood empty for 7 years and become over run with pests if you want to give it a try keep an eye out for planning permission applications for land redevelopment in your area and approach the developers and offer your services.


Come on lads why would the man lie.If he said he did it you have to take his word.I say if you did mate good on you :clapper::clapper:

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Sorry to those that have already seen this...172 in total I see to remember...92 I think in this picture, interestingly, and I have not thought about it before, but it was ONLY SQUIRRELS I shot on this site...nothing else at all.


Yep, that's me....


Edited by Deker
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