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help !! terrier work digging !..

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hi . me and my cuz are begginers on terrier work .. im 19 my cuz is 21. wer from gravesend kent.. i have a patterdale terrier he is 9months old . would anybody be willing to show us the ropes . and help me out on entering my dog .. would be great if we could join someone on some digs to get the experience that goes for the dog aswell .. thanks evryone ..


Edited by jack boi
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I wonder has the Hunting act increased the appeal for hunting with rebellious youth because it got so much media attention and is more alluring to young people


no mate .. you got it all wrong , for one im not rebellious .. i hunt because its in me .. a rebellious youth is not someone who goes out and enjoys the sport of hunting but hangs on the streets .. get your facts right son ! ..

Edited by jack boi
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I wonder has the Hunting act increased the appeal for hunting with rebellious youth because it got so much media attention and is more alluring to young people


As a matter of interest what caused you the interest to get a terrier and take up earthwork.


I wondered that myself mate .Personally ,the digging game was a natural progression from ferretting .We wern't shown by anyone as the basics were there ,we just needed to refine it .

If you are keen on the sport mate ,then i hope you will be in it for the long haul and not just a passing interest .

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Good luck in getting some permission. as it is harder to find these days. plus theirs more folk out with guns who shoot everything in sight IMO. When you do get permission look after it.


Here we go again ,labelling everyone with a gun as the same .No mate we dont go around shooting everything we see .Get it right or dont post at all .

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i have respect for the sport and great respect for my dog .. i have bought a terrier purposely for the sport i will be in the game till the day i die ! .. well i have had lurchers and have done some lamping with some lads and enjoy the sport but i am more of a terrier man so really want to get into earthwork , i have posted on here for someone to show me the ropes and enter my dog as i dont want to ruin him by not haveing a clue on what im doing ! .. thanks for your help lads ..

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i have respect for the sport and great respect for my dog .. i have bought a terrier purposely for the sport i will be in the game till the day i die ! .. well i have had lurchers and have done some lamping with some lads and enjoy the sport but i am more of a terrier man so really want to get into earthwork , i have posted on here for someone to show me the ropes and enter my dog as i dont want to ruin him by not haveing a clue on what im doing ! .. thanks for your help lads ..



I'm from rochester Kent, I have alot of permission and it is very hard to get and even harder to keep.

You have a difficult task ahead of you finding someone willing to take you on to 'their' permission.

It is a sad fact that many people have had the good will to show someone onto their patch only to find that they come back later without them and have their permission flouted and name used in vain.

Unfortunately you may have to start the same as many of us, go and speak to Land owners and enter your dog/s to Rat first. this is good drills for you and the dog, and the Land owner will appreciate it, and up goes your rep.


Best of luck mate,



Ps, read lots of informational Terrier books.


Edited by longdog13
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i have respect for the sport and great respect for my dog .. i have bought a terrier purposely for the sport i will be in the game till the day i die ! .. well i have had lurchers and have done some lamping with some lads and enjoy the sport but i am more of a terrier man so really want to get into earthwork , i have posted on here for someone to show me the ropes and enter my dog as i dont want to ruin him by not haveing a clue on what im doing ! .. thanks for your help lads ..



I'm from rochester Kent, I have alot of permission and it is very hard to get and even harder to keep.

You have a difficult task ahead of you finding someone willing to take you on to 'their' permission.

It is a sad fact that many people have had the good will to show someone onto their patch only to find that they come back later without them and have their permission flouted and name used in vain.

Unfortunately you may have to start the same as many of us, go and speak to Land owners and enter your dog/s to Rat first. this is good drills for you and the dog, and the Land owner will appreciate it, and up goes your rep.


Best of luck mate,



Ps, read lots of informational Terrier books.


hi mate , thanks for the information will get round asking a few land owners . yh will take a bit of ratting up me and the dog should enjoy if lucky to get the permission ! . anychance of comeing on some digs with you as your not too far from wer i live , if your willing anuff . fair anuf if not . gotta ask its a start ha ! . thanks

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