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Guest air gunner

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Guest air gunner

Ok im thinking of getting an FAC licence for my bsa supersport. ok i know how to putt the power up but what are the advantages other than the obviouse whats involved? getting the licence using the gun do i need a special cabinet etc.

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you will need a gun cabinet and your land/permission will have to be inspected and deemed safe by you FAO.


when applying it may be sensible to add a .22 or .17hmr to your ticket ( if you want one of course) future proofs your ticket if you want to go down the rifle route.


all the best



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Guest air gunner

Oh bugger i dont really want to buy a cabinet. I have loads of different land i shoot on im also lucky enough to have a rather large garden stretching over 300yrds would this be legitimate land? Also i take it the quarry you can shoot stays the same? i only want my superspor springer to have about 25fps.

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Yes, you will need a cabinet, securely fixed.


You will need to specify the quarry you want to shoot with it, i.e. Vermin.


Your garden is highly unlikely to be passed as a safe place to use your Rifle, FEO's would be very apprehensive about doing so. Your best bet is to get one of your landowners to sign a permission slip. As you are more than likely to have a Closed FAC at first, you will also need to specify every piece of land you want to use your rifle on, so that the Dept can check if they are suitable.


SS :thumbs:

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and if you get caught im sure someone will come visit you in prison.... wtf is the point just to be able to shoot a few yards further....... if you want to then dont be lazy and get yourself a cabinet do your homework and get a bullet gun... if not, use your field craft and stay with AIR rifles less than 12ftlb......

people like you dont deserve rifles and just make the sport look and sound bad...

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Guest air gunner

WTF jazz whos the one who makes the sport look bad!!!, "you" i asked a simple question and you go abusing me sort it out mate. I never said that i would tune it illegally i was asking about getting a licence but am not now becasue i dont need one. dont go looking down on my fieldcraft you have never seen it so how can you say how good it is?! You are the one who gives this sport the bad name and the one who shouldent have an air rifle getting at me for nothing i wouldent see you fitt for owning one making hasty decisions.

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Guest air gunner

No probs mate. you assumed right if i were to buy a pcp i was saying i would buy an FAC and tune it +12fps i only thought of this becasue many people have done this so there must be a good reason. chris jones for example stated that he did this becsue he wants an air rifle not a rimmy i agree air rifles appeal to me more. next time i will word it better. cheers mate

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