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walking in the wiltshire winter wonderland!

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with all this snow here ive been itching to get up on the downs for a walk,according to the BBC the snow here in the west country is the worst in 27 years! so with this in mind jack and i packed a day sack wit the kelly kettle and some snacks.

We left home and were soon on whitesheet lane,this used to be the wiltshire and somerset boarder till 1890,with its steep banks and hedgerows it afforded us some shelter from the bitter winds that were pushing he temperature down to around -5.

every now and again there was a gateway entrance to the arable and dairy field systems.




we could clearly see the foot prints of many game species although i didn't expect to see any,though i did inspect one or two forms for hares but no luck,stubby the lurcher was ever eager to chase anything including the numerous thrush's and blackbirds in the hedgerows feasting on the ripe hawthorn berries that were clinging on despite the cold.


looming ahead was white sheet hill,now really looking like a great linen was draped over it,the ramparts of the Mesolithic hilfort clearly visible.




as we made our way up the steep icy lane the snow became increasingly deeper,here jack is near up to his knees in the snow!




as we neared the top we paused for a photo opportunity,jacks camera skills are getting better too.feel free to print this one off and place on the mantle piece to ward the kids from the fire!!




after a steep walk up the lane we arrived at the top,here we stopped to admire the scene and ire up the kelly kettle,the dry standing stalks of the nettles and cow parsley served well as fuel , and in no time we were enjoying a warming cup of sweet tea and a biscuit.






here's the view from where we sat,in the distance the stately ancestral home of t Hoar family,now a national trust property,also in the distance on little knoll is a clump of beeches,the site of an American wartime crash in which several servicemen die and where today a granite memorial stands.




once our refreshment's were finished we set off back home ,at one point we managed to disturb a hare from its form ,but it soon made distance skipping across the hard crust on the snow,stubby knew from past experience it wasn't worth trying to catch it in deep snow!




nearing the bottom of the hill we pause to take a picture of long knoll ,




we were soon home where a roaring fire was waiting ,we took off wet socks and toasted crumpets on the fire and spread them with generous amounts of peanut butter!

Tonight i may return to those fields with the lamp............

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