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Haven't a bloody clue!!

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This is my first post in this section as I've just started useing my S410c.


I bought it on here and it came with a sabre airgunner 4-12x42A0 scope.


A local farmer asked me to rid him of the couple of wood pigeons roosting in his hay shed. So off I went armed with my new toy, pleased as punch and imagining that I would be knocking on his door in ten minutes with at least one of the pests.


Getting close to the shed, they both heard me and flew off. Undaunted, I settled in behind a couple of bails for a long wait. :snack: Whilst holed up I decided to test its accuracy on a cattle feed bag about 25-30 yards away. I took aim and .....missed a mile. Over the next 20 shots I worked out that I was missing about 6 inches right and about an inch high. :icon_eek:


I'm no stranger to firearms as I was in the RN for many years and, although I was an engineer and preferred to make love not war :give_rose: , I was still made to use firearms with eye sights.


What I am not used to is a scope. My sabre did not come with instructions (not that I would have read them anyway :rtfm: ) but I don't have the first idea how to properly use one or what to do next. :duh:


Can anyone advise me what is wrong and how i should go about putting it right. My whippets are helping keeping the farmer's rabbit population down but I can only offer him so many excuses regarding my shooting prowess. :icon_redface:



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  tdavepat said:
A local farmer asked me to rid him of the couple of wood pigeons roosting in his hay shed. So off I went armed with my new toy, pleased as punch and imagining that I would be knocking on his door in ten minutes with at least one of the pests.


Can anyone advise me what is wrong and how i should go about putting it right. My whippets are helping keeping the farmer's rabbit population down but I can only offer him so many excuses regarding my shooting prowess. :icon_redface:




Just learnt something new - never knew that wood pigeons would roost in a barn. Are you sure they are woodies or could they have been collared doves which commonly do roost in farm buildings.


Your scope - assuming it is securely fitted to your rifle. At say 25 yds unscrew the top turret, you should see an arrow stating 'up' and 'down' (this is where I am now guessing, assuming that each click is 1/4 inch at 100 yars) If you are shooting 1 inch high turn the knarled ring 16 clicks DOWN, Now remove the cap to the turret on the side and click in the direction of the arrow to the left 104 (!) clicks - this should put you on target.


If you find that it will not do 104 clicks, come back to tis forum for further ideas



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Thanks everyone for taking the time.


Mr Logic, I thought that might be the problem, I wasn't sure about how to go about it until dicehorn explained below.


Coldweld, I'm from the North Antrim coast, but normally keep myself to myself and hunt alone, just me and my dogs. Although, I'm open to meeting up and gaining experience from someone local (that sounds a bit gay :icon_redface: ). The shooting side is something new that is just taking off with me.


Peter, I don't believe them to be doves. They are definately large woodies, although to say they are roosting there might not be totally accurate. On both occasions I've been up: the first time I walked round the back of the barn, they were feeding in the field behind and scarpered. The second time was just before sunset and they flew out from the rafters.


Now I'm doubting myself, I'm going back up tomorrow to have a closer look, after I zero in as you've described :good::drinks: . If it is a woody I'll post a pic, if a collared dove I'll just say it was a woody :secret: :D



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  sean said:


if you want i can copy the instructions manual from my hawke scope and send it onto you. know its not the same scope but it would give u an idea of the workings.



Sunny Co. Fermanagh




that would be great. I've PM'd you my address.




from gloomy and sleety N. Antrim.

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  sean said:
copies in post , also found an ad for sabre scopes sent in to u as well




Should of scanned and emailed it him lol.

It is indeed needing zero as explained "top turret and side turret" turn a few click's and pop a shot,if it has gon further to the side you need to turn the opposite way.Same goe's for the right side turret.

Top turret is up/down and right turret is left/right.


You may also have a paralax ring on the fron with number's and yard's or yd writen on,this is for if your site is blurr at the distance you plan on shooting at,If that is not available you will have a adjuster on the eye piece you can turn to clear the image "this will be on a px or none px scope and basicly all scope's".


welcome to a new addiction,scope's can be a big subject lol

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