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blindin bit of film ... id hate a job like that.. 27000 acers of amimal park mad combo though elephants an dogs. did anyone see tv am this week of the chimp rearing tiger cubs . or the one the other day of the golden lab in south africa playing mum to all soughts of orphand animals mad... its amazing what animals do . is there any truth that elephants are shit scared of mice. i dont no but id like to belive it anyway.. its mad when i brought my lakey pup home at 8 weeks .my jack russell dog what was 2 year old then kept coming up to the pup an start to yak food up for witch i was bollockin him didnt understand it . but looking back the jack wernt doing nothing wrong must just be some instinct to look after him. maybe other dogs in the yard done it for him as a pup i dont no ......but im sure it must have....

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