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The No Dig Challenge A Success!

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It's now 8 days since my last trip out, I'm climbing the walls hoping that the snow would melt, but it's going nowhere.

I'm sat at home watching Jeremy Kyle, Trisha and also One Tree Hill (Can't think why!) Every day bored out of my skull. :wallbash:

Walked the dog after brekkie this morning at around 9 am and saw rabbit tracks all over the industrial estate where I walk him. :thumbdown:

Enough is enough. :wallbash:

I'm going out even if it is a late start! :clapper:


By the time I had loaded up and travelled up there it was pushing 11 oclock, not an ideal time to start a days ferreting, but at least I was out!

Around six inch of the almighty whitey stuff on the ground with drifts here and there.








Spoke to the farmer who said driving up onto the top was impossible, a drift around 6ft deep had blocked the track, he could not even get up to his sheep, had to play around in the valley bottom again rather than hitting the slopes!


Took out the numbnuts terrier again, he had his wings clipped today trying to get through the snow! HA HA!


Also took out the youngest ferrets I have, 2 jills and a hob (siblings). The hob is still untried by the way!


Pretty scare on the bunny front to start with, just getting the odd mark after a lot of tramping about.




But using the jills, think it's time to try the 'No Dig Challenge' again!


Even though the rabbits are reluctant to bolt, these young jills persuade them to come out. It takes a while for some constantly rattling around for maybee 20 minutes, but they have to come out in the end.

One problem though is the nets freezing up, they won't purse until hit hard and some of the rabbits are pushing them up with there face and bobbing back down again.




A few rabbits are exploding from under the snow, followed up by some comedy runs where the terrier tries to catch them, but both are on an equal footing, look like they are in slow motion!


Everything is bolting and I start to get cocky about what I can ferret.




May be tricky but there are rabbits there, mutt is tethered on this one.




After 10 minutes it's looking dodgy, but then a hear a squeal to the side of me from under the snow, cannot be that deep, and seconds later a rabbits head pops through the snow see's me and tries to go back down, followed by a swift hand which pulls it out of the hole! Phew the no dig challenge is still on!




Netted up what was going to be my last warren of the day as it was getting toward 3.30pm, took the jill best part of half an hour to get things moving on her own, but she did it.




Three came out, one getting away due to the frozen nets, but still there was action down below. Left it another 5 minutes and got a fix on the locater followed by a rumble and a bolt, the last rabbit of the day is out, followed by the ferret, WITHOUT THE DAMN COLLAR! ARGHHHHHH!


A swift dig and rummage about and I have it back.




Does this count as a fail on the no dig challenge? :icon_eek:


Here's a few piccies of the jills at the end looking knackered!






And the bag, a tidy 16 for half a day.




And a few piccies I took on the way back, first driving through the river. Lets Offroad!




A view that always gobsmacks you on the way home.




And another one taken justy a bit too late.




All the best lads, get at em, not long left!

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:whistling: Brimmer, was that not a great days ferreting?


How many times was your heart racing wondering if the jill was ever going to bolt the rabbits? Your waiting there all senses tuned for the slightest movement or sound, if fact, your so wired up you feel you could explode any minute.

Welcome to the world of no locator ferreting.


Of course as soon as the snow melts you will be back up on the top, doing your pest control as you do so effectivly, and you will be into the numbers once again. But I am willing to bet you will not get as much pleasure out of that as your no dig challenge.


Well done on you, for giving it a go and rediscovering the pleasure and sometimes exsquisit pain of ferreting.


As always fantastic photos I think if ever you get tired of ferreting there is a new calling for you there. :notworthy::notworthy:




PS Definate no dig challenge winner in my eyes.

Edited by tiercel
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Thanks fella's, if there are people interested then I will post.

Howay Micky lad, hope the justice is coming along.

Andy you know if it's too deep i'll go the sensible route.

Tiercel yes it was a fun day as every day ferreting is in the short season,(and bloody good luck as well!) Am I off the locater hook now?

Akton the nets were dry to start with, but the freeze took over. (maybee i'll write a book in 20 yrs time when I have learnt something!)

Stealthy my mate, the old feller is just out of hospital after another fusing of the heart, don't want to put the final nail in just yet. :notworthy:

Thanks FV jills were knackered, lack of work for the girls to be honest.

Col and John, get at em lads, you lads like a laugh, like myself, where is the fun without the entertainment. Bouncer is still king though!

The one, come on mate, show us a few pics, I know your having fun on the sly up there! :thumbs:


Maybee 2 weeks left for me at best on the high ground, one of the does from today was in the early stages, I have not got the belly for slaughter (soft twit), this is where the pest control ends and the sportsman takes over. :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

Long live the rabbit!

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