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deerhound greyhound/collie greyhound for stud £100

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Guest mickyrichardson
ill take the lot of you especially after 4 posts i hope they have caught more game than yous posts muppet

alrigt then you wonna race about da dogs

someone hit that eject button lol another wannabe
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reece 08 i dont slag people off very often but it pisses me off when someone joins and sells this and that or puts their dog out to stud with on pics and if you want a race mate ive only a whippet but she has done her fair share mate and people can vouch for that so if you want to give me a pm and we can sort something out ill even pick you up

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Guest mickyrichardson
and where does it state he wants to race a poxy whippet your a tit
poxy whippet which we all no a whippet would have been a better option to go over a grey not a jrt so you just run along with your little yapping pack :icon_redface::icon_redface:
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it pisses me off when arseholes on here jump the gun over others ie mandas and black jacks comments for all you 2 no this could be a great dog offered at stud and reece has looked on various sites but this one looked good so he decides to join THL,,,,and this is how we greet him no wonder people dont stay members long


Dont you think your in enough shit without comments like this?? :icon_eek:

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I only said it must be a piss take, not dissin him just thought it was a wind up, like you JRTxGREYHOUND that has to be a piss take so dont start, go run a long and infest the world with your useless crosses!

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might be a good idea to maybe get a pic of said stud dog so folks can make their own minds up!

i can understand why there are a few folks on your back over this post as it seem some people are only on here to make money! offering a stud dog with no pic and not many previous posts may be considered "bad form". welcome to the site and please dont get tarred with the same brush as our dear friend kreet!

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