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squirrell shooting?



hell yeah! kentucky fried squirrel on sunday!



lol was it u that put forward cajun squirrell flavoured crisps? lol



nope! they dont taste of squirrel any way!



lol u actually eat squirrell? or r u just havin me on?



no i eat squirrel! its nice



wow random lol didnt know that lol



ill have to bring some down the pub one night so you san try it



hmmm not sure lol only just starting eatin meat again recently. i feel bad for the squirrell...pathetic i know lol



lol! not really! i always say thank you when i shoot one or any thing else for that matter



fair like the native american indians do that. i like that idea.


i dont think i could have come across anymore barbie after reading that back lol



ha ha! nowt wrong with it!



is it quick?



most of the time! i always try to end it as quick as i can with a well placed head shot but id be a liar if i siad wounding doesnt happen now and again!



oh thats ok, i just hate the thought of animals being in pain or suffering or being scared so lifes good with me as long as its quick, painless and they dont know about it...or atleast it tries to go that way




i dont hold with inflicting pain! if you dont respect the quarry you shouldnt be hunting!



yeah fair im with that. i dont agree with posh people who do fox hunting cos i think thats disgusting the way they do it



lol! its not posh people! i follow the hunt and im not posh! its people from all walks of life too!



well u know what i mean. i dont like the way the fox is chased down so its frightened and then when its tired gets ripped to pieces...dont really understand whats so fun in that. if u did that to a human you'd be put in prison for a long time and animals have just the same right to live as any human...in my opinion lol. but it's be boring if we all agreed i guess lol



when the hound catch the fox its the job of the pack leader to finnish the fox no other dog! and its the same dog every time thats does it and belive me its quick! fox hounds are very powerfull dogs!



why does it have to be a fox thoiugh



because they are a very big pest! and do untold damage to livestock and peoples livings! beautifull creatures though they are they still need to be controlled and hunting them with hounds is a very very effective way to do it!



oh right, never really got why its foxes lol



btw the way only asking cos im interesting in hearin the other side of it lol



see you dont even understand why you hate fox hunting! lol! hunting is about balance! not just posh people out for blood! it just happens that dogs are very good at finding things that are hard to find thats why people use them!


thats cool hun and good for you for being open minded!



yeah but i was always led to believe that the fox suffered and it was a long drawn out process and like i said earlier i hate the idea of an animal suffering, thats why im chatting to u about it cos u can tell me how it is from your side. if that makes any sense lol


i would never give anyone a hard time for having an opinion just cos its diff to mine lol i just use it to learn more about what i dont know lol



fair enough! like i said id be lying if i said animals dont suffer at times but any true hunter tries to minimise any pain or suffering that does happen!


the more you learn the more you understand!



awesome stuff...indeed lol



indeed! you out over the weekend?



dunno...prob in the bell during the day tomorrow cos i think alaine's gonna try and come down. im in the cross keys tonight for some bizarre reason lol and i may be in wim tomoro night...u?


maybe there is hope after all! lol!



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Guest hyperion
im assuming your pete then?....................... do you really follow the hunt or did you make that bit up?


not regularly but i get out when ever i get chance!, ie when ever one of my horsey mates will take me along!



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Give her the link to my website! ;)


Just looked, very impressed.


And full marks for showing them, many hide them away and are not brave enough to admit they are supporters.



Thank you, i have lost work by having the hunting shots on there. I'm proud of what i do and would never allow anyone to make me feel wrong for being so. :victory:

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Give her the link to my website! ;)


Just looked, very impressed.


And full marks for showing them, many hide them away and are not brave enough to admit they are supporters.



Thank you, i have lost work by having the hunting shots on there. I'm proud of what i do and would never allow anyone to make me feel wrong for being so. :victory:


:clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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im assuming your pete then?....................... do you really follow the hunt or did you make that bit up?


not regularly but i get out when ever i get chance!, ie when ever one of my horsey mates will take me along!





im glad, im also glad your doing your bit for the huniting world..... but without trying to put you down, this is just nonsense...



"when the hound catch the fox its the job of the pack leader to finnish the fox no other dog! and its the same dog every time thats does it and belive me its quick! fox hounds are very powerfull dogs! "


its best to stcik to facts incases like this and not fairy tale dribble.

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