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fenn traps squirrels

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can i use fenn traps for squirrels. if so what size do i use and if it catches them in the body dose it render them inedible? do i put them at the base of trees or do you bait them?


Squirrels can be successfully trapped using both MkIV & MkVI Fenns. This link will take you to the STAO which lists the traps which are legal, and the species they can be used for.


OTC wrote a very good thread, here , which outlines the principles of tunnel trapping.


Woodland squirrels are one of the easiest species to trap; they are naturally inquisitive, and you do not need to bait traps to catch them. Just make sure that you have permission to trap on the land you are using, and that there are no red squirrels in your area.


Correctly set, a Fenn will do no damage to the main part of the squirrel; they should be caught around the neck and shoulders, which are hardly worth eating anyway. Just take the haunches off.

Edited by Matt the Rat
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