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Dummy Launchers

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I am not fussed about distance. My lab that I had pretty steady for my wildfowling and rough shooting, through being taken to the beating line this year, has developed a serious run-in-to-shot problem. Little bugger is off hunting for that thing without looking for it in the air.


And at the Pheasant shoot, by the end of the season, as soon as the guns got gong he was off to the front of the woods and through the gun line to pick up. Had to put him on the lead and eventually just went on my own to wait until I had time to get back to his training.


I guess I want the launcher to free up a hand instead of firing a pistol while I throw a dummy.



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the remote launchers are great and IMO more use than the hand held ones as they can be hidden out of site and fired by the remote control so dogs are less likely to become conditioned to their use and they have much more use than the hand held ones, ok much more expensive but depends what you are after out of it



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