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greyhound ferrets

Guest tewkesferreter

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Guest tewkesferreter

been hearing a bit about these lately,are they just small ferrets or have they been bred differently? does anybody work these,if so how do they fare to a standard ferret. the gills i work are fairly small compared to some that ive seen,but i wouldnt really want to go any smaller as theyve been coming up after being down for a while with fur under there claws but no blood on there faces,so im pressuming there coming up against rabbits that are reluctant to bolt,your thoughts please.

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If you're not shifting them with the jills try a hob thats what I do. Let the jills get them moving and the hobs to shift the stubborn bunnies. I thought greyhound ferts were the racing bred ones that are quite wee but real quick.






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been hearing a bit about these lately,are they just small ferrets or have they been bred differently? does anybody work these,if so how do they fare to a standard ferret. the gills i work are fairly small compared to some that ive seen,but i wouldnt really want to go any smaller as theyve been coming up after being down for a while with fur under there claws but no blood on there faces,so im pressuming there coming up against rabbits that are reluctant to bolt,your thoughts please.

the rabbits are sticking there head in a tunnel and arching there back so the ferret can only scratch therre arse . . .

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Guest tewkesferreter

ive never got on with the hobs,they seem to take longer to mature than the gills workingwise. i got a big gill from a rescue a couple of weeks back that i think could do the job of a hob,just gotta get her handled though as whoever had her before didnt bother and shes hard work to say the least.

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Guest ferret feller

i use my jills too push em out.. if they stay down for a bit they either have killed the rabbit or cant budge the f****r.... then i put the hob in.... rabbits move like shit off a shoval...

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