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Dai has stopped eating!!!

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Right then, Dai is a bit better today and even came over with the crew at feeding time this morning and ate a tiny bit and drank some water and kept it down. He'll hopefully come across again when I feed them tonight and see what he's like.


He's much more with it today so let's hope we're going in the right direction.


Thanks again all and Rio, I'd forgotten about Kaolin so I'll get a bottle in :thumbs:

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Huge improvement today, getting back more like himself and looking for food :yes: , he even came with the other two into the fields today and loved every minute. Back to the vets this afternoon but with a lot better outlook than the two previous visits :thumbs:

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thats great news al . :thumbs: ..john



Cheers John, the day got better when the vet phoned for an update and thought better to leave as is rather than get him stressed again with another visit. A bit of a shock when you see weight fallin off the dog in no time though, down to 19.20 Kls :icon_eek: , slow steady build up for him now :thumbs:

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Here ya go guys, it's the flasher himself :laugh: , already shave for the "op" :icon_eek: getting back more like himself by the minute, I have to go out in a bit, so I'm thinking of locking him in the gun safe :laugh: , knowing my luck he'd pick the locks from the inside :thumbs:


I'll get pix of him as he builds back to his normal size :thumbs:



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