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Dai has stopped eating!!!

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He hasn't eaten since Tuesday evening, just drinks water. We've been to vet as he just kept throwing up everything we tried to give him, every 3 or 4 hours initially, then he'd drink water and throw that up, lost a fair bit of weight since Tuesday, the vet has prescribed meds to stop the sickness and as soon as we came home he had a crap, which is the first since Tuesday. He hasn't thrown up for 15 hrs now, but the real test will come when we offer food, so fingers crossed.

If he throws up before 14.15hrs tomorrow, it requires further investigation, I'll keep ya posted.



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He hasn't eaten since Tuesday evening, just drinks water. We've been to vet as he just kept throwing up everything we tried to give him, every 3 or 4 hours initially, then he'd drink water and throw that up, lost a fair bit of weight since Tuesday, the vet has prescribed meds to stop the sickness and as soon as we came home he had a crap, which is the first since Tuesday. He hasn't thrown up for 15 hrs now, but the real test will come when we offer food, so fingers crossed.

If he throws up before 14.15hrs tomorrow, it requires further investigation, I'll keep ya posted.




Hope he's over the worst of it, sounds hopeful. Any idea what's caused it??

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Thanks folks, they couldn't really find anything on examination, no temp. and quite at home in the surgery, well until they came have a look at him anyway :icon_eek: , he's the first Shar Pei they've had there and Dai is not over-friendly towards females, so they seemed to think he wasn't gonna display much too them.

Gave him his meds yesterday evening and touch wood, he hasn't thrown up for 25hrs now, trouble is he hasn't eaten for three days today. He's about to be given chicken and rice, so fingers crossed.


Just wondered, if he hasn't got a blockage when they examine him later today, could it be the snow, just a stab in the dark really, due to him going ballistic when he first saw it and he did eat a fair bit. He is quite happy in himself, a lot quieter than normal, which is hardly surprising, but he's right by my side like normal and wherever I go he'll follow, just like normal.


I'll keep you updated :thumbs:

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Sounds as though he might have had a chill in the guts: inflamed due to all the snow he ate. Just a thought. Not all dogs have diarrhoea when they have bad guts: I once had a severe intestinal bug go through my kennels: all but one dog had the shits really bad, but this one dog just stopped eating for a few days with no other symptoms, then recovered fine.

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hope your dogs doing ok al .. :thumbs: ..john



Cheers John and everyone else, the good news is he has eaten a tiny bit of the chicken, so I'm a happier bunny now I can tell ya. We tried to get him to come out for a mooch with us, Rottie and Bullcross sat there while he made up his mind :whistling: , then he went back indoors.

There's a bit more life in him today, can't wait for him to get back to jumpin on me in bed to "get out there" at about six every mornin though :icon_eek: . The he was give were "Cerenia Maropitant 24mg x2" and really did the job :thumbs:


We'll see what the vet says later anyway :thumbs:

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Oh, I hate it when my dog doesn't eat. I worry, like you!


If he hasn't eaten for a while, don't over face him with a huge pile of food.


It is good he is eating with other dogs, because when they have woofed theirs down, they start milling around your ill dog and that can set him up eating again. Do not let them muscle in and get his food coz it may start a fight so be in the same room all the time and watch the situation.


I would feed him little bowls of cooked chicken with white rice, or scrambled egg (done in water), or white fish and rice. Nothing too difficult to digest but has calorific value without racing through his guts.


If you are like me and forget everything or get in a muddle, just keep a small chart on the fridge door (with magnets) and write down each day what the dog has eaten or drunk. I would avoice milk and stick to water that has been boiled and cooled in their water bowl. Also feed him from a clean bowl, don't just leave it for another day. Lots of dogs are very fussy about dirt (you would be surprised?! - same with cats). I know they can eat shit, but have fussy habits at home.


You want him to get back into eating. His head might say but it hurts when I do eat, because it did and he remembers that so palatable small amounts, even breakfast, lunch and dinner time. Little and often. You don't want one meal racing through and you don't want torsion. I am not sure if that breed is susceptible but if they are, perhaps feed him from a higher level, so he is not bending down - or has that trend gone now?


Good luck.

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Oh, I hate it when my dog doesn't eat. I worry, like you!


If he hasn't eaten for a while, don't over face him with a huge pile of food.


It is good he is eating with other dogs, because when they have woofed theirs down, they start milling around your ill dog and that can set him up eating again. Do not let them muscle in and get his food coz it may start a fight so be in the same room all the time and watch the situation.


I would feed him little bowls of cooked chicken with white rice, or scrambled egg (done in water), or white fish and rice. Nothing too difficult to digest but has calorific value without racing through his guts.


If you are like me and forget everything or get in a muddle, just keep a small chart on the fridge door (with magnets) and write down each day what the dog has eaten or drunk. I would avoice milk and stick to water that has been boiled and cooled in their water bowl. Also feed him from a clean bowl, don't just leave it for another day. Lots of dogs are very fussy about dirt (you would be surprised?! - same with cats). I know they can eat shit, but have fussy habits at home.


You want him to get back into eating. His head might say but it hurts when I do eat, because it did and he remembers that so palatable small amounts, even breakfast, lunch and dinner time. Little and often. You don't want one meal racing through and you don't want torsion. I am not sure if that breed is susceptible but if they are, perhaps feed him from a higher level, so he is not bending down - or has that trend gone now?


Good luck.



nice one, very sound advice and most is already in force :thumbs:

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OK, two hours at the vet, Dai had to be sedated for the stuff, thorough examination, small intestine OK, stomache not feeling right but nowt too obvious, X-Ray, nowt, scan, nowt really apart from inflammation. Bloods all OK, all organs working as they should.


So he's back home with me for the weekend as he'd be too stressed in the surgery on a drip, that and the risk to the staff!!!!!!, on more meds and we'll persevere :thumbs: . Our vets are really good and will not operate for no reason, but if there's no improvement by 14.00hrs Monday or he gets worse over the weekend that's the only way forward :(

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How horrible and scary for you all.


You are doing all the right things.


I would reiterate is to keep a diary from now on (2 hourly) if possible so if you see something you know what time and what it was rather than frantically trying to cast your mind back and muddling stuff up in a panic. Very easily done.


Keep a look out for the colour of his skin ie, around his eyes, in mouth (gums), excessive panting and other things that don't look right. I would sleep with him on the settee at night so that you can keep an eye on him (but that is just me!).


Did your vet say he should eat? If so, what did he recommend? Did he put him on any antibiotics or anti-inflammatories? Did he give a diagnoses like gastro-enteritis or is it a "see how he gets on" job?


If in doubt, phone the vet. You don't to muck around with an is he/isn't he situation.


And.... typical always bloody Friday afternoon heading off to the expensive time of the weekend. I suppose it could be Christmas Day but that is our family's speciality - Bank holidays and birthdays usually for visits to the vet for emergencies!


Good luck. Play it cautious, if in doubt.

Edited by Pignut
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