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has it ever been done ?

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listen before everyone decides there world authorities on the subject ill bow out but i will say look at darcys book that deer was rugby tackled i was there i took the picture and the dog master had his head down and was doin quite well to keep it there hiedi had the back end and guess what she didnt get holes kicked in her but then they were built for the job ps that stag fell got back to his feet but he before the dogs had him but he fell like the biggest sack o spuds you can imagine im goona leave you boys to it now so you can call me a lier in peace :whistling:

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listen before everyone decides there world authorities on the subject ill bow out but i will say look at darcys book that deer was rugby tackled i was there i took the picture and the dog master had his head down and was doin quite well to keep it there hiedi had the back end and guess what she didnt get holes kicked in her but then they were built for the job ps that stag fell got back to his feet but he before the dogs had him but he fell like the biggest sack o spuds you can imagine im goona leave you boys to it now so you can call me a lier in peace :whistling:

probably an old or sick animal i would find it inpossible to believe that any dog could pull

down a stag in its prime even when they used to hunt them with deerhounds the dogs

were only used to run them down and hold them at bay then a man would finnish it

with a knife rather him than me :thumbs:

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listen before everyone decides there world authorities on the subject ill bow out but i will say look at darcys book that deer was rugby tackled i was there i took the picture and the dog master had his head down and was doin quite well to keep it there hiedi had the back end and guess what she didnt get holes kicked in her but then they were built for the job ps that stag fell got back to his feet but he before the dogs had him but he fell like the biggest sack o spuds you can imagine im goona leave you boys to it now so you can call me a lier in peace :whistling:

probably an old or sick animal i would find it inpossible to believe that any dog could pull

down a stag in its prime even when they used to hunt them with deerhounds the dogs

were only used to run them down and hold them at bay then a man would finnish it

with a knife rather him than me :thumbs:

well mate they have got the proof and it didnt look sick in the pic

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listen before everyone decides there world authorities on the subject ill bow out but i will say look at darcys book that deer was rugby tackled i was there i took the picture and the dog master had his head down and was doin quite well to keep it there hiedi had the back end and guess what she didnt get holes kicked in her but then they were built for the job ps that stag fell got back to his feet but he before the dogs had him but he fell like the biggest sack o spuds you can imagine im goona leave you boys to it now so you can call me a lier in peace :whistling:

probably an old or sick animal i would find it inpossible to believe that any dog could pull

down a stag in its prime even when they used to hunt them with deerhounds the dogs

were only used to run them down and hold them at bay then a man would finnish it

with a knife rather him than me :thumbs:

rather me than you you meen i necked him he wasnt old or sick but a fit strong healthy animal thats the TRUTH if you dont like it or it means you THOUGHT WRONG then i apollogise for shattering your dillussions :whistling:
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listen before everyone decides there world authorities on the subject ill bow out but i will say look at darcys book that deer was rugby tackled i was there i took the picture and the dog master had his head down and was doin quite well to keep it there hiedi had the back end and guess what she didnt get holes kicked in her but then they were built for the job ps that stag fell got back to his feet but he before the dogs had him but he fell like the biggest sack o spuds you can imagine im goona leave you boys to it now so you can call me a lier in peace :whistling:

probably an old or sick animal i would find it inpossible to believe that any dog could pull

down a stag in its prime even when they used to hunt them with deerhounds the dogs

were only used to run them down and hold them at bay then a man would finnish it

with a knife rather him than me :thumbs:

rather me than you you meen i necked him he wasnt old or sick but a fit strong healthy animal thats the TRUTH if you dont like it or it means you THOUGHT WRONG then i apollogise for shattering your dillussions :whistling:

sorry my mistake there was two dogs never seen that bit iwas talking single handed

even with two dogs it would be a very rare event so well done :notworthy:

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listen before everyone decides there world authorities on the subject ill bow out but i will say look at darcys book that deer was rugby tackled i was there i took the picture and the dog master had his head down and was doin quite well to keep it there hiedi had the back end and guess what she didnt get holes kicked in her but then they were built for the job ps that stag fell got back to his feet but he before the dogs had him but he fell like the biggest sack o spuds you can imagine im goona leave you boys to it now so you can call me a lier in peace :whistling:

probably an old or sick animal i would find it inpossible to believe that any dog could pull

down a stag in its prime even when they used to hunt them with deerhounds the dogs

were only used to run them down and hold them at bay then a man would finnish it

with a knife rather him than me :thumbs:

rather me than you you meen i necked him he wasnt old or sick but a fit strong healthy animal thats the TRUTH if you dont like it or it means you THOUGHT WRONG then i apollogise for shattering your dillussions :whistling:

sorry my mistake there was two dogs never seen that bit iwas talking single handed

even with two dogs it would be a very rare event so well done :notworthy:

as i said earlier ive seen a lame stag pulled single handed but please be under no illussions that was some feat but the same dog missed a large stag single handed and that was only because he was let down a little by myself and his owner so i know it can be done he was an exceptional deer dog but i dont believe he was 1 of a kind :thumbs:
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that stag is small.master wasnt a big dog by any means as seen him run loads of times and never rated him. so yes you could with little uns like that highland stags are like fallow bucks lowland
the lad in the bali is above 6 foot no doubt you know him or is it just the tod boy you know the fact is it was big [not a monster park deer but then that was never my bag ] it WAS rugby tackled it DID fall and DID have me sat on its neck everyone of those you said couldnt be done or scoffed at how many red stags of any variety you seen taken?atb :feck:ps werent that keen on master but to say he aint so big 29 is big enough in my book Edited by bigfoot
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that stag is small.master wasnt a big dog by any means as seen him run loads of times and never rated him. so yes you could with little uns like that highland stags are like fallow bucks lowland
the lad in the bali is above 6 foot no doubt you know him or is it just the tod boy you know the fact is it was big [not a monster park deer but then that was never my bag ] it WAS rugby tackled it DID fall and DID have me sat on its neck everyone of those you said couldnt be done or scoffed at how many red stags of any variety you seen taken?atb :feck:ps werent that keen on master but to say he aint so big 29 is big enough in my book

it even says in the book some people say it cant be done but heres the proof it can a great stag with two great crosses: hiedi and master

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and my last comment on it is this spiderpig i think i know why you didnt rate master but the quarry i think you migth be thinkin of i could run and tail myself the dogs werent mine but they did what they did and although not world beaters they were honest just imagine what a world beater could do then eh fooked your own argument slatin other peoples dogs i think :big_boss:

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fall over! fuuck me the ones ive erm heard to have been run wont fall over ect! deer and there is fuukin deer mate. if all this wasnt banned id have a large wager a single dog wouldnt drop a red stag like ive erm seen ..... so would most of the proper lads on here,, fall over! how? with what? first its got to catch it and they arnt slow thats for sure then as they come up behind they will take a hock and get smashed teeth or a nice hole in there ribs. if they went for there head it still wouldnt bother them but they gota get there first. and how do you jump on ones back then push its antlers into the ground ect as has been mentioned?? cause one dog no matter where it has hold aint gona keep it on the ground

people on here get worse with drugs and wild fantasies polouting there fragile fuukin minds,jesus christ lads wake up.its getting beond a joke

not your quote eh? :icon_eek:
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