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Patterdale freaks out after excercise, ideas?

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My 8 mo patterdale bitch has started doing something really weird and I wonder if any of you on here have had anything similar. After a 2/3 mile walk in open countryside she is OK for about 20 mins and then starts freaking out, running round in circles, then rubbing herself on the ground, generally looks really uncomfortable. She'll settle for a few mins and then starts all the freaking out stuff again. I have noticed she does it more when she's been hunting around in long dry grass a lot. Took her to the vet first time as it lasted for over an hour but he had no idea, could find nothing wrong. She always settles eventually.


Any ideas why she does it?

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Are young nettles starting to grow in your area?


Some of the stuff she hunts through has deffo had nettles on it (remember from last year) although at the moment it's just the old stalks and no new growth yet. Could it be this stuff thats irritating her?

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Allergic to grass maybes, if the dog has a skin condition the grass can aggravate it. One question though is it windy when the dog does it.


Haven't really thought about wind but many times it's been blowing pretty hard when we've been out. She does it pretty much every time we go (every night). I have noticed she does it more when we go further, the usual length of the walk is 2 to 3 miles on weekdays due to work, but at weekends it's 4 to 6 miles, sometimes more.

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Ok I just know of a terrier with the allergies symptoms and he has a jab every month for it and that stops him from biting and rolling around in the grass. But I also know that some dogs don’t like the wind and when is blowing a gale they push their head around on the floor near their ears one side at a time.

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It's nothing to worry about mate, my 9 month old terrier does exactly the same, it's the nettles. It's quite funny to watch as the little shit wont sit still and starts body popping all over the place.


I just giving him a good scratch all over and it seems to help relieve him.

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My 8 mo patterdale bitch has started doing something really weird and I wonder if any of you on here have had anything similar. After a 2/3 mile walk in open countryside she is OK for about 20 mins and then starts freaking out, running round in circles, then rubbing herself on the ground, generally looks really uncomfortable. She'll settle for a few mins and then starts all the freaking out stuff again. I have noticed she does it more when she's been hunting around in long dry grass a lot. Took her to the vet first time as it lasted for over an hour but he had no idea, could find nothing wrong. She always settles eventually.


Any ideas why she does it?


My lurcher bitch was doing this as well. We put it down to stinging nettles....

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  • 3 months later...

My lurcher pup was doing the same this evening and I thought it must be nettles due to his little pink belly :rolleyes: I washed him with cool water, he wasn't amused at first but seems to have settled now. Just thought I'd search "nettles" on here to investigate a bit further. These forums really are handy!

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My 8 mo patterdale bitch has started doing something really weird and I wonder if any of you on here have had anything similar. After a 2/3 mile walk in open countryside she is OK for about 20 mins and then starts freaking out, running round in circles, then rubbing herself on the ground, generally looks really uncomfortable. She'll settle for a few mins and then starts all the freaking out stuff again. I have noticed she does it more when she's been hunting around in long dry grass a lot. Took her to the vet first time as it lasted for over an hour but he had no idea, could find nothing wrong. She always settles eventually.


Any ideas why she does it?



my mates pat sometimes starts skitzin out when we come back from walks, usualy [bANNED TEXT] she has been wet or runnin thru nettles, she is always fine afterwoods, we call it the little dog madness lol

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