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Trouble starting quad

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This week the Grizzly has started just clicking a bit like a fast "tactactactactactactac" when the keys turned. Now it will turn over maybe the once, then this happens. Is it the battery losing its grunt or the solonoid(if it has one). Its a bitch too pull over by hand !

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My bosses quad went like that and it turned out it needed new brushes in the starter.

The man who fixed it said that if I had held the starter button in and pulled the rope at the same time it would have started easily. Its just the starter sticking.

I had suspected the battery but I was wrong and had been starting on the rope for 12 months.

Hope that helps. Good luck.



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My bosses quad went like that and it turned out it needed new brushes in the starter.

The man who fixed it said that if I had held the starter button in and pulled the rope at the same time it would have started easily. Its just the starter sticking.

I had suspected the battery but I was wrong and had been starting on the rope for 12 months.

Hope that helps. Good luck.





Yes it could very well be this, try giving the starter a tap on the casing and try it again :thumbs:

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