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how pathetic

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just saw a post in the for sale section, plummer, shite worker, and growled at kid.

both my dogs are rescues and both have been turned into good workers.

pilocks who say a dog should be put down because it cant work or it growled at his kid.

the dog should have been corrected instantly by the owner for growling, a problem like this is so easyily corrected. and no dog deserves to be put to sleep for not working.

dogs like terriers need to be kept in the place as they will easily take over. the dog was showing dominence over the child (basic dog psycholigy) and needs to learn that it is at the bottom of the pile.

if a dog noes it is at the bottom of the pile you end up with a obediant and more importanly happy dog willing to please.

dogs take work

some people cant be bothered

some people expect a dominent breed to automaticaly now its place, there wrong.



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firstly if a dog growlled at my child no matter what you or anyone says it would be gone one way or the other, because it is not worth the risk,and secoundly if it will not work it would be gone because the majority of shit are bred out of and thats why there is so many jibbing basta...about for sale.

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Well said treefella.


Milo, are your dogs really worth that much to you? You'd rather get rid of them if they growled, (which is your fault in the first place) than simply not leave them with your kids unsupervised?


Shit bred out of? Anyone that has a hard time getting even a bad a lurcher to work is a very poor trainer in my opinion... They must be the easiest dog to train for their work, and the most instinctive.

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just saw a post in the for sale section, plummer, shite worker, and growled at kid.

both my dogs are rescues and both have been turned into good workers.

pilocks who say a dog should be put down because it cant work or it growled at his kid.

the dog should have been corrected instantly by the owner for growling, a problem like this is so easyily corrected. and no dog deserves to be put to sleep for not working.

dogs like terriers need to be kept in the place as they will easily take over. the dog was showing dominence over the child (basic dog psycholigy) and needs to learn that it is at the bottom of the pile.

if a dog noes it is at the bottom of the pile you end up with a obediant and more importanly happy dog willing to please.

dogs take work

some people cant be bothered

some people expect a dominent breed to automaticaly now its place, there wrong.



And some terriers bred to be hard will never become pets.....untill you own or know a true working terrier you will never understand.

ill second that :notworthy:

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just saw a post in the for sale section, plummer, shite worker, and growled at kid.

both my dogs are rescues and both have been turned into good workers.

pilocks who say a dog should be put down because it cant work or it growled at his kid.

the dog should have been corrected instantly by the owner for growling, a problem like this is so easyily corrected. and no dog deserves to be put to sleep for not working.

dogs like terriers need to be kept in the place as they will easily take over. the dog was showing dominence over the child (basic dog psycholigy) and needs to learn that it is at the bottom of the pile.

if a dog noes it is at the bottom of the pile you end up with a obediant and more importanly happy dog willing to please.

dogs take work

some people cant be bothered

some people expect a dominent breed to automaticaly now its place, there wrong.



if our so botherd about the dog why do you not take the f*****g thing

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full of shit.... put it one way where we are from if it dosent do what it was bred to do its in the fuc...ground,there is no place for secound rate lurchers or terriers in my kennells or any of the men that i know for that matter and has for dogs growling at children one chance that dog would have with me and he would be banged aswell,is you child worth the risk of being bitten or worse well mine is not....you do as you like and end up with secound rate jibbers and bitten children ha

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Guest tewkesferreter

treefella dont judge a situation youve got no idea about,its the first time hes shown aggression to my daughter but its not the first time to me,so ill just forget what happend until he properly bites hold of her and she ends up in hospital,prick.

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treefella dont judge a situation youve got no idea about,its the first time hes shown aggression to my daughter but its not the first time to me,so ill just forget what happend until he properly bites hold of her and she ends up in hospital,prick.
can i ask you an honest question tewks...if he does or did take hold of you child what would the out come be "obviosly without writting too much"
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treefella dont judge a situation youve got no idea about,its the first time hes shown aggression to my daughter but its not the first time to me,so ill just forget what happend until he properly bites hold of her and she ends up in hospital,prick.
can i ask you an honest question tewks...if he does or did take hold of you child what would the out come be "obviosly without writting too much"

two barrels ?

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treefella dont judge a situation youve got no idea about,its the first time hes shown aggression to my daughter but its not the first time to me,so ill just forget what happend until he properly bites hold of her and she ends up in hospital,prick.
can i ask you an honest question tewks...if he does or did take hold of you child what would the out come be "obviosly without writting too much"

two barrels ?

:clapper: yep il second that,because if its passed on it could do it again :notworthy:
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I don't know about this particular situation. But it's one thing to shoot a dog that's not up to scratch or is aggressive and another thing entirely to talk about it with relish and enthusiasm. There are people on here who talk about shooting a failed dog like it's a laugh or a pleasure or something to take lightly and that's an attitude I despise.

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just saw a post in the for sale section, plummer, shite worker, and growled at kid.

both my dogs are rescues and both have been turned into good workers.

pilocks who say a dog should be put down because it cant work or it growled at his kid.

the dog should have been corrected instantly by the owner for growling, a problem like this is so easyily corrected. and no dog deserves to be put to sleep for not working.

dogs like terriers need to be kept in the place as they will easily take over. the dog was showing dominence over the child (basic dog psycholigy) and needs to learn that it is at the bottom of the pile.

if a dog noes it is at the bottom of the pile you end up with a obediant and more importanly happy dog willing to please.

dogs take work

some people cant be bothered

some people expect a dominent breed to automaticaly now its place, there wrong.



And some terriers bred to be hard will never become pets.....untill you own or know a true working terrier you will never understand.

what a load of absolute fu...CRAP I JUST CANT BELIEVE WHAT IM READING i had one of the hardest dogs in the valley..he never bayed once in the ground in over six years,and he was as gentle as a lamb...and he would have been quite happy in my kitchen if i had let him

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full of shit.... put it one way where we are from if it dosent do what it was bred to do its in the fuc...ground,there is no place for secound rate lurchers or terriers in my kennells or any of the men that i know for that matter and has for dogs growling at children one chance that dog would have with me and he would be banged aswell,is you child worth the risk of being bitten or worse well mine is not....you do as you like and end up with secound rate jibbers and bitten children ha


If my child got growled at/bitten, it would be my fault for not showing it its proper place in the pack, and for allowing it to happen. Warning signs come for months before these incidents happen, most people are oblivious to them however.


I would never put my child or my dog in a situation where my child would be bitten. Se I'm a proper dog trainer, I know my stuff....



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firstly, i have known and owned a 'hard terrier'. im sorry mate but a dog should be brought up to no where it is in the pack i.e your family.

all to many times iv seen people slap a dog to no affect.

if you had brought that terrier up to no that even your children where above it in the pecking order then the terrier would never dream of growling.

this is fact, you cant argue with it, i know a animal behavioural psychologist.

sorry mate but your not the alpha male in your dogs eyes. the dog is.

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