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ferreting inan east wind

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Would definately say they don`t bolt as good when a cold easterly is blowing . Went down to me mates in lincoln at the weekend and on the sunday it was cold with a easterly blowing and snow blizzards drifting in rabbits just kept on going deeper into the setts extremely reluctant to bolt and that was even with a good number of ferrets in . So needless to say had many a deep dig doh :wallbash: loved it all the same got to take the rough with the smooth aye :whistling:

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To all you ferreters out there, i find when ferreting in an east wind rabbits dont bolt, I would apprechiate your comments !

went out sunday in cold east wind some bolted very hard some did not or could not? had to dig two but got other rabbits out of that warren but it did seam like the rabbits put up a bit more of fight with the ferrets i watched one of my jills having a right good go with one just inside a hole before i could grab the rabbit safely

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To all you ferreters out there, i find when ferreting in an east wind rabbits dont bolt, I would apprechiate your comments !


Don't bolt at all mate? or don't bolt as well?


I should of explained myself better, when I say dont bolt I meant they are harder to bolt and you end up digging more out than normal!

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