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Guest Countryboyo

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Guest Countryboyo
  ChrisJones said:
Please don't post pictures of game birds, in this thread. None. Even if they were shot in season. I've removed some despite pleas from the out set not to post them in the first place.


Also gulls. No pictures. There is currently a consultation underway, from Natural England (in charge of General License), about removing Great Black-backed gull and the Herring gull from a number of the licences permitting birds to be killed, in response to concerns about the conservation status of these native species.


As several animal charities covertly monitor these forums I don't want your, just for fun, competition pictures to be used against us.


Thanks Chris. Lads I hope everyone respects what Chris is after writing in here. This Competition is supposed to be about fun but legal fun while carrying out pest control and the last thing we want to do is attract negative attention.


Happy hunting all.

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Guest Countryboyo
  Shooter08 said:
Hope Its Not To Late To Enter Lol ?




3 Rabbits Last Night,

1 Rabbit = 2 Points Is It ?


6 Points


Welcome to the competition. your off to a good start well done :thumbs:


For everyone that is confused about the points and rules...........


The competition will be commencing Saturday 7th February at 08:00 am. And will run until 31st march 08:00 pm


Rules are as follows:

This is an Air gun competitition only,

Be honest ,

Don’t post old photos,

There are no teams, this is a one man/woman competition.

You are however allowed a driver.

Only shoot legal quarry/pests.



When posting in your score for the day follow this template. For example you kill four crows.


You post the photo with your air gun and the quarry

Post your points for the day on one line and your total on the next line


4 Today

4 Total


Prey point(s)


Corvids, pigeon, rat , squirrel 1

rabbit 2

Magpie 3

stoat, mink, weasil, hare 5


There will be no difference in points rewarded for wild or urban kills.

There will be no extra points for using spring guns.


Shoot to kill and above all ENJOY YOURSELVES.

This should be a good bit of crack, May the best man win

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Guest air gunner

yup maybe but its not about a mass slaughter its genrally the best pest controller and about taking part. its the spirit most of all. the person who kills all the ferals may win but its the people who do a good shoot and hard quarry that get the real reward and have the most fun.

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hi every one

had a job cancellation today, so what better way to spend some time on one of me permissions

taken when finishing ,not a very productive day but!! a day out at least


2 Today


10 Total






nice little sniping spot this one R/H SIDE




good sniping spot from both sides L/H SIDE




this a better pic,nice rest for me hw100s and me radio,and this seat i got at the C.L.A game fare last year. when you bought a paper you got it free or something cracking little seat!!. i missed two poxy shots still getting ues to .177






happy hunting



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Guest Countryboyo
  davyt63 said:
hi every one

had a job cancellation today, so what better way to spend some time on one of me permissions

taken when finishing ,not a very productive day but!! a day out at least


2 Today


10 Total






nice little sniping spot this one R/H SIDE




good sniping spot from both sides L/H SIDE




this a better pic,nice rest for me hw100s and me radio,and this seat i got at the C.L.A game fare last year. when you bought a paper you got it free or something cracking little seat!!. i missed two poxy shots still getting ues to .177






happy hunting




Well done daithi boy. nice little hide you had there in the bush. I have the same foldable chair as you. Il probably head out to permission tomorrow morning. all the best.


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  davyt63 said:
hi every one

had a job cancellation today, so what better way to spend some time on one of me permissions

taken when finishing ,not a very productive day but!! a day out at least


2 Today


10 Total






nice little sniping spot this one R/H SIDE




good sniping spot from both sides L/H SIDE




this a better pic,nice rest for me hw100s and me radio,and this seat i got at the C.L.A game fare last year. when you bought a paper you got it free or something cracking little seat!!. i missed two poxy shots still getting ues to .177






happy hunting




wow dayv! thats a dream hunting spot i'd love to have a spot like that.

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Guest Countryboyo
  davyt63 said:
yeh same as will be out tomorrow night and Sunday with me NV scope hopefully.i take it you went to the C.L.A

then CB







Today 3

Total 12


Got four Kills today but only 3 were retrievable so had to settle for three points. Same tactics again just driving around farms. To be honest its starting to p me off without the scope missing silly shots. You might as well be pi$$1ng against a hurricane without a scope.


Just wondering has anyone set any target of points for this competition? Id like to get 100 points myself but id want to get my act together.



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went out just before dark ,due to i was late getting in today from work ... walked down side of old crop farmer has left to rot out jumped this rabbit 25 yards facing me .. i i aimed low fired got him just down side of face just below the eye , he dropped down little kick night night ....

will be out during day tomorrow , hoping for good bag ..





2 points

4 total

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popped out today and this evening



Today 2

Total 13


unlucky for some, this is the second Bunnie with mixy on this permission.also i have some very promising leads on some new permission, so watch this space?




happy hunting



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