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hi all am after a good hunting catapult dose anybody no wher i can get one



cheers kx100


Sorry mate you can't buy a good hunting catty.What you do is buy a catty and after a "lot"of practice you "might" become a good hunter...Hope this helps.P1

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Two options mate,buy one.You can get a crappy black widow copy from the pound shop,the elastic is shite but you can always put better elastic on them,ideal for starting out and getting your aim in.Or make your own,easy to do,plenty of sites if you google them on how & what to make them from,if you start now while your young,who knows ;)


We used to make ours out of heavy gauge metal coathangers,normal elastic bands and cut the top inch off the tongue on a pair of old shoes for the pouch,or your little brothers new ones :icon_redface: ,dead easy to make takes about 5 minutes,great for firing small stones at each other and getting your eye in... :thumbs:


good site give you some ideas

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hi mate i made a perfecley balanced buffalo horn catapult with square elastick, brass bullet tops, brass split pins, leather tong, verry verry good catty similiar 2 my unckle sam stanley cattys he uses and shows on the warreners dvd the old ways of the poacher vol 1/2 and mouching ways and hunting days pm me back and i will try 2 put pics up cheers dave

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hi i seen his catapults on vl 1 the old ways of the old poacher i really like the deer horn and the bufflo 1 with the caps on the end how mutch i was going to phone sam but i thout the mobel num will be out of date as i only seen the dvd not that long ago and dus he sell the ammo he uses he is a really good hit.

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