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bloody neighbors

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  PAUL73 said:
get planing mate when i moved to my house in 2003 i wanted a big shed got so i got planing as soon as it was up the complants were coming in i just loved waving the paper at there noses


Thats exactly what I mean, it will p*ss her off if you have asked and you dont need it


but if you do need PP and dont ask she will p*ss herself laughing. ;)

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  marty said:
its wooden frame hilly no permission needed

as long as the bird is well kept

as for your neighbour tell her to go and phone the pope

as he might say a prayer for her lol




Permitted development

E. The provision within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse of—

(a) any building or enclosure, swimming or other pool required for a purpose

incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse as such, or the maintenance,

improvement or other alteration of such a building or enclosure; or

(B) a container used for domestic heating purposes for the storage of oil or liquid

petroleum gas.


A wooden frame to keep a bird in is an enclosure so YES it MAY require PP.

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harrycat i aint getting into politics with you mate

ive lived in london and worked in london for the

past 18yrs and i gave the boy a bit of advice

if she is determined and keeps bothering him

i would suggest that he requests that every illegal

shed/building in the british isles be taken down

then he will agree that his is illegal shed building will to

and also she can apply for a personal court case

im sure when money comes into it she wont be that


im not looking for an argument just some advice


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harrycat i aint getting into politics with you mate

ive lived in london and worked in london for the

past 18yrs and i gave the boy a bit of advice

if she is determined and keeps bothering him

i would suggest that he requests that every illegal

shed/building in the british isles be taken down

then he will agree that his is illegal

and also she can apply for a personal court case

im sure when money comes into it she wont be that


im not looking for an argument just some advice


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  marty said:
harrycat i aint getting into politics with you mate

ive lived in london and worked in london for the

past 18yrs and i gave the boy a bit of advice

if she is determined and keeps bothering him

i would suggest that he requests that every illegal

shed/building in the british isles be taken down

then he will agree that his is illegal

and also she can apply for a personal court case

im sure when money comes into it she wont be that


im not looking for an argument just some advice



sorry if it seemed like that but I see this type of situation every day and if not carefull it gets out of hand.

I just did not want the lad to get into bother.

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Here you go mate,just cut and pasted this from net


Sheds and Greenhouses top


Neither Planning Permission or Building Regulation approval is required provided that:



Sheds and greenhouses do not cover more than half of the area of the garden; not including the area occupied by the house.

It contains no sleeping accommodation and the floor area does not exceed 15 square metres.

No point is less than one metre from a boundary.

It is not more than 3m high for a flat roof, or 4m with a ridged roof.

No part projects beyond any wall of the house that faces a road.

The outbuilding is for use only by those who occupy the house.

Building Regulations do state that structures built of combustible material (i.e. a wooden shed) must be at least 2 metres from the main house

re you go mate,

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Just make sure when you get the bird, all its paperwork is intact , we have just gone through 18 mnths of hell over some paperwork we didnt even know existed , till some little slimeball official came over to see us, not to advise but to haul us over the coals, he eventaully ended up with egg on his face , but it took a bagfull of money for solicitors and barristers to put them in their place - scumbags the lot of them, need a life they do.

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id have to move or something to be honest couldnt stand living around people like that, its bad enough with idiots who are just nosey who live near by let alone next door. Hope everything goes well though...let us know how you get on.

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