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Using GPS for mole trap location

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Despite your hint of sarcasm..... I'm saying I use the gps to locate the traps, are you saying you can remember exatley where every trap you set is even if you have several hundred spred out over seve

Does anyone use handheld GPS for mole trap location? I can have upto 500 traps out at anyone time and find this piece of kit very helpful, just wondered what you other guys use that have a lot of traps set for trap location?




How exactly does that work???

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I know of a large pest control/wildlife management company who use this method.


They 'waymark' each trap when they set it, and then use it to find the odd trap that gets lost. It is also handy if the person who has set the traps is unable to check them themselves for any reason (sickness etc).


I've never had a problem finding traps, but to be fair, I'm not trapping on the same scale as some of you guys these days.

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Are you saying you use gps to find your way back to jobs or you have to use it to find your traps ?, either way i find it strange someone who has got so experienced and busy has to resort to this. :hmm:


Despite your hint of sarcasm..... I'm saying I use the gps to locate the traps, are you saying you can remember exatley where every trap you set is even if you have several hundred spred out over several farms? I would have thought that any device that makes the job easier would be a plus.

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Does anyone use handheld GPS for mole trap location? I can have upto 500 traps out at anyone time and find this piece of kit very helpful, just wondered what you other guys use that have a lot of traps set for trap location?




How exactly does that work???


All you do is mark a waypoint with the gps of the position of your trap you set when you check the traps a few days later the gps will take you back to the exact positon of your trap. It is good especially if you don't want to mark the position with a cane etc (out of site of the public)

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Does anyone use handheld GPS for mole trap location? I can have upto 500 traps out at anyone time and find this piece of kit very helpful, just wondered what you other guys use that have a lot of traps set for trap location?




How exactly does that work???


All you do is mark a waypoint with the gps of the position of your trap you set when you check the traps a few days later the gps will take you back to the exact positon of your trap. It is good especially if you don't want to mark the position with a cane etc (out of site of the public)


Sounds really interesting actually, what kind of costs are involved? and how user friendly is it? (bit of a technophobe!)



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Does anyone use handheld GPS for mole trap location? I can have upto 500 traps out at anyone time and find this piece of kit very helpful, just wondered what you other guys use that have a lot of traps set for trap location?




How exactly does that work???


All you do is mark a waypoint with the gps of the position of your trap you set when you check the traps a few days later the gps will take you back to the exact positon of your trap. It is good especially if you don't want to mark the position with a cane etc (out of site of the public)


Sounds really interesting actually, what kind of costs are involved? and how user friendly is it? (bit of a technophobe!)






The cost of a basic gps would be about £100 but you could get them on ebay a lot cheaper and are as easy to use as a mobile phone. mine is made by Garmin

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Does anyone use handheld GPS for mole trap location? I can have upto 500 traps out at anyone time and find this piece of kit very helpful, just wondered what you other guys use that have a lot of traps set for trap location?




How exactly does that work???


All you do is mark a waypoint with the gps of the position of your trap you set when you check the traps a few days later the gps will take you back to the exact positon of your trap. It is good especially if you don't want to mark the position with a cane etc (out of site of the public)


Sounds really interesting actually, what kind of costs are involved? and how user friendly is it? (bit of a technophobe!)






The cost of a basic gps would be about £100 but you could get them on ebay a lot cheaper and are as easy to use as a mobile phone. mine is made by Garmin


take it its just like a vehicle sat nav?? i can work one of them! lol



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I think GPS is a pretty ingenius method for logging locations of a large quantity of traps without the paperwork and maps..

Just putting the feelers out here...

I run large ammounts of traps, and its soon to get a bit larger, so anything that saves time, and saves me using pen and paper will be a godsend! I use markers aswell, but have still lost a fair few, especially when it was pissing down and my pad was a soggy mess. I ended up sick of using paper pads.


Im not keen on spending a fortune on a gadget that is a pain to use, or that may break down when wet etc.. so could you give us some more detailed info on the unit you have experience of, how long it takes to add a trap site etc etc


Interesting stuff, thanks andybrock

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I think GPS is a pretty ingenius method for logging locations of a large quantity of traps without the paperwork and maps..

Just putting the feelers out here...

I run large ammounts of traps, and its soon to get a bit larger, so anything that saves time, and saves me using pen and paper will be a godsend! I use markers aswell, but have still lost a fair few, especially when it was pissing down and my pad was a soggy mess. I ended up sick of using paper pads.


Im not keen on spending a fortune on a gadget that is a pain to use, or that may break down when wet etc.. so could you give us some more detailed info on the unit you have experience of, how long it takes to add a trap site etc etc


Interesting stuff, thanks andybrock


the model I use is a Garmin gpsmap 60csx just stick this into google and you will get tons of info, they are very easy to use most are waterproof i have a cover for mine to keep soil off it. It takes litterally 15 secs to mark a trap position which is a lot less time than you would spend looking for a trap after sheep have chewed your cane marker away. all i do is number all my traps with permanent marker then when i set a trap put the number of the trap into the gps and when i need to check the gps takes me back to the trap within a couple of feet.

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