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Hello from Sheffield

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Hello all, this is just a brief intro about me and why I applied to join the forum.


I am 44 , female and live in sheffield.


I was brought up to be pretty practical and down to earth in the hunting , shooting and fishing areas. Althought I have kept up the self sufficiency bit in diy, home preps etc, i never followed up on the "hunting "aspect.


I have kept and bred quail, rare breed poultry and rabbits for the table. I love sea fishing ( but rarely get the chance these days)


I will be reading the sections about terriers and hunting dogs with great care I have always had labs but have also added a jrt (short legged farm stock) to my home . I have always appreciated the potential of both these breeds but being in a city location , I have been at a loss as how to train a dog to the hunt.


I have experience in using a .22 air pistol and rifle , I am learning to use a crossbow and catapult, but rarely have anything other than rat control to practice with.


I am very much here to read and absorb, My skills are more in the preps and food preservation area ( girly stuff !!)


Problem is girly sites dont like articles about "paunching " game . LOL

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