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ferret tumour?

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one of my ferrets,a black eyed white hob has a lump on his head,does anyone know what this could be?

Also are B.E.W's prone to these tumours,what is the treatment available and in the long run would it be better to put him to sleep rather than go through a lengthy and costly course of treatment?I'm off to the vets with him in the morning,see what they say,here's some pictures of him.....



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If that were a child, I would say it's a tumour, but I don't know much about ferrets. I'd assume it was a tumour though, behind the optic nerve maybe? If it were mine, I'm sorry to say, I would have it put to sleep if it was a tumour, stop it's suffering.


All the best.

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Definitely something there as the eye is being effected.

If they have to remove something from inside the head, it could be very costly and still might not fix him completely.

As Jayd said, it may be that putting it to sleep would be the least painful option for him.


Good luck with him tomorrow.

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thanks for your replies.i'll see what the vet says,but if they start going on about about a lengthy course of treatment with no guarantees i'll just have him put to sleep.Yes i noticed the eye colour too,i remember on the news someone photograhed a young person and the flash showed up some thing in the eye and it turned out to be cancer,i think i'll take the camera with me and show the vet.Thanks,


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See what the vet says in the morning, ferret does'nt seem that bothered or he would be hanging off your fingers.
i when i took these

he's eating okay and still lively,but he looked a bit tired when i took these pics,just have to hear what the vet says



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Thanks for the replies,had him put to sleep on the advice of the vet,she says it's either a large abcess or a tumour,

and it would require surgery from which there would be no gaurantee of successful recovery and wouldn't be fair

to subject it to prolonged treatment,thanks,


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