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New lurcher advice

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Hi there. I am looking for a new rabbiting dog.

Alot of where I go has dense bramble patches near one another, due to this I am after a dog with lightening take off speed. I also do a fair bit of lamping over more open ground. I was considering a track bred whippet so they will have a small percentage of greyhound blood in them. I have heard that these have a slight edge over pure whippets. I was talking to a bloke today and he said that the pure whippets have greater stamina and agility as track whippets are only bred to run a few hundred yards and in a straight line.


Thoughts please.

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the track whippet is a fair bit quicker but has know were near the

stamina or the robustness of the ped i yoused to run a nonped on

hares and after two runs it was done my old ped dog could run

six similar races track dogs are bred sprinter to sprinter they

dont require stamina so you would be better off with a ped

out of good working dogs and as whippets breed true to type

you cant go far wrong ;)

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Go for a grew= whippetx grey, good on rabbits, and will take bigger stuff, say a dog or bitch about 22-24in 35-45lb. With a quick dog , once it learns to strike, it will catch quicker, so its stamina wont be pushed to the limit. ;) The down side with whippet's [ped + no ped and grews] is lack of coat , some foot probs, they can be a bit reckless, more so lamping thats where there coat+feet , take some stick :( but they do make great catch dogs ;)

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Guest little lurcher

ive got both, and they have their bonus`s and weaknesses same as any breed or type , personally my kc whippet bitch is the better one as she was brought up by me and therefore her feet were prepared from day 1 , a grew will do as hard a days work but you will have to work hard on keeping the feet free from injury , my bitch when i first got her from non ped chap split her feet and stoppers badly and was out of action for 6 weeks, this was just running up a track in a race??!!! obviously since that day i have sorted her feet and will now work hard day and night


but for what you want you wont go wrong with a whippet, good markers , excellent early pace , easy to train , a sound small all rounder , with a kc reg you will then be able to compete in several different aspects , racing , lure coursing , showing , obedience etc etc


pm pennymeadow whippets , he will also give you details of the UK working whippet club which holds events at many game fairs around the country

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I have a kc reg working bred whippet and hes a belter, got a bit more size and robustness about him, hes 8 month old, 21" and 32Lb, so quite a bit heavier that your track stuff, but then you may find a dog with a tad more weight might fare better retieving shot foxes ect!!


Here he is a few weeks ago,









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nice dog that,not all track dogs are small some weigh more than yours,if a non ped was brought up like a lurcher from a young age and worked could it cut it in the field?i like all whips ,but ,now days non peds are just raced,but years ago they had to do both ,a lad in the 70s had one that took fox and roe ,yes they might not have the stamina of a ped ,but i lad who had once said to me i want my dog to catch on my land not in the next parish ,any more views on this ?all the best BB

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  parksie said:
If you want something with a bit of speed and to go in and out the brambles how about something with a bit of a coat like a Beddy x Whippet or Beddy x Greyhound?


Thought about this. There was a stunning 1/8beddy 7/8ths whippet pup on here the other day and I was very tempted. Just too far for me to get to. :(

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I have always liked working whippets for rabbiting but have not had much luck with them as regards injurys. I find that they knock up easily. But if a whippets what you want good luck to you.

Edited by mark.a
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