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might have a dodge out tomorrow

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been out this afternoon for a couple of hours with the old girl,my old hob ferret and one of the new polecats.worked a couple of setts with the polecat just to see how it went.it entered the setts ok but it was trying to get hold of my hands on leaving the sett.so i finally got it picked up and put it back in the box .i moved straight on to my local patch near a road.i netted up a sett which i thought was only a six holer but i was wrong i entered old faithful.he wasnt down long before the banging about started.,as i was listening to this i seen something out the corner of my eye running along the side of the road.sure enough it was a rabbit and i had no idea where it had come from,about a minuite later the same thing happens again and another rabbit lost.i got up on top of the sett and started looking for the bolt hole.i eventually found it tucked up tight under a patch of grass.i went back to get a net out of the bag and another rabbit bolts from the same hole.to say i was p**sed off is an understatement.the ferret shortly appeared after that and that was the end of it.i packed my nets up and headed home.on my way back i found another big sett which has never seen a net,so on my next outing i will be giving this a go.three rabbits lost but im starting to get back into it.im looking forward to the weekend now :thumbs:

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Guest mickyrichardson
COL!!!! How dare you!!! You aren't allowed to go ferreting without me :)

no show without punch you would have found that 7th hole he couldn't manage without you lol


glad to hear you back out col ATB Micky ;)

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