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border lad why would you want to comment on a post when you dont know the man,you wasnt there,and you are guessing on what would have happened,obviously you are a frustrated columbo,the dogs you have quoted in your reply(none of yours i may add) are coursing greyhounds ,by their nature of running pick up hares after shorter courses and at greater speed, hence hares caught by coursing greyhounds have 9/10 times visable impact damage,this cannot be said of hares caught by coursing longdogs ,where the courses are invaribly a lot longer and some hares are picked up at a standstill.my suggestion to you is, get a few more years experience under you belt learn your trade and then comment. its a long learning curve but you need to start somewhere ,all the best :thumbs:

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border lad why would you want to comment on a post when you dont know the man,you wasnt there,and you are guessing on what would have happened,obviously you are a frustrated columbo,the dogs you have quoted in your reply(none of yours i may add) are coursing greyhounds ,by their nature of running pick up hares after shorter courses and at greater speed, hence hares caught by coursing greyhounds have 9/10 times visable impact damage,this cannot be said of hares caught by coursing longdogs ,where the courses are invaribly a lot longer and some hares are picked up at a standstill.my suggestion to you is, get a few more years experience under you belt learn your trade and then comment. its a long learning curve but you need to start somewhere ,all the best :thumbs:


Trader those dogs I named is what I used for breeding my Lurchers, Cotton King, he escaped, from his small, exercise yard of Hardie wrights small yard

and served a working collie bitch, we kept a black dog, and that was my first reall dog, and the rest is history, you guys are so gullable, if I never had another run with a dog after reading the crap on here dogs for sale etc. and the dog pounds up and down the country as I talk here there will be another Lurcher, going to the pound, all down to bad breeding, and handling, and this fellow displaying, the cleanest Hares I ever saw, probably ((( the dog will go to Stud and it goes on and on in a never ending circle, the fee for Cotton King, to Local, dog men, was a pricely sum of £20.00 Read my posts on this topic, the guy came out with so much crap, and then another 5or 6 put there pennys worth in, ((((( around this area there was some very good dog trainers, In coursing greyhounds, mine was Lurchers, yes for you Trader go and get a life, in the same ignorant, manner as you addressed me,

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So because the hares are not smashed to bits you think the guy is lying? Who needs antis with folk like you on these forums :doh: If its blood and carnage you want to see go look on rotten.com or some site like that and leave people in peace who want to tell about their days out, with their dogs that are doing it when it counts. Ive no doubt your collie x cotton king reall dog would have slaughtered 4/4 fen hares if it was still alive today but its not so why dont you keep your misty watercoloured memories for when the nurse comes round to change your nappy and wipe the dribble from the corner of your mouth :bye:

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Right coursing lad's/lass's....

How do you's get your coursing dog's fit...?

Cause i know there is a big different between a coursing dog's fittness and a lamping dog's fittness...

What sort of diet do yous get your's dog's on is it raw or dry or a mixture both?

How often do you's flush/retrieve hare on a weekly basis is it like one day on and two day's plus there normal walk's run's swim's running by the bike/car..?

And all your other little thing's you's do to get them hare fit/little secrect's ?

Iam only asking cause im mainly a lamping (rabbit's) man but i aint long got a coursing type

and just wanna know what you's do to get them ready?

(iv done a search in the search thing at the top of the page before anyone say's it :thumbs: )

Thanks T 7...

And snoop look's like you had a cracking day flushing to the bird mate :thumbs:

Dogs doing well mate ...

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Theres no bitterness for me as far as collie crosses for coursing are concerned, Im a huge fan of the collie cross Ive always kept one and they are handy dogs..........at what they are bred for - rabbiting! They excel at lamping, ferreting, raking and taking an odd extra bit of game here and there. They have the type of stamina which enables them to put in a good nights shift at the lamping and ratch around on the moors all day. But this is not the same kind of stamina that is needed for long runs on winter hares on the flat going! Anyone who is HONEST about collie crosses will tell you this. If collie crosses are so good on the fens why dont all the top coursing folk have them instead of saluki crosses? The only bitterness I see here is you making comments such as "silly salukis" if they are so silly why have almost all the top coursing dogs of the last 30 years had saluki blood in them? As for running snoop why not ask him like max says at an earlier point in the season so a match could be arranged for the real time of year ie dec/jan instead of wait til the seasons almost over and the hares are pairing up? I think Brookies right some posts on this topic should be moved to the jokes section :clapper:

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Theres no bitterness for me as far as collie crosses for coursing are concerned, Im a huge fan of the collie cross Ive always kept one and they are handy dogs..........at what they are bred for - rabbiting! They excel at lamping, ferreting, raking and taking an odd extra bit of game here and there. They have the type of stamina which enables them to put in a good nights shift at the lamping and ratch around on the moors all day. But this is not the same kind of stamina that is needed for long runs on winter hares on the flat going! Anyone who is HONEST about collie crosses will tell you this. If collie crosses are so good on the fens why dont all the top coursing folk have them instead of saluki crosses? The only bitterness I see here is you making comments such as "silly salukis" if they are so silly why have almost all the top coursing dogs of the last 30 years had saluki blood in them? As for running snoop why not ask him like max says at an earlier point in the season so a match could be arranged for the real time of year ie dec/jan instead of wait til the seasons almost over and the hares are pairing up? I think Brookies right some posts on this topic should be moved to the jokes section :clapper:

The fact that the hares looked unmarked ,is very tenous evidence to doubt a man's word,and several posters have vouched for his veracity.

Why every time a lad puts up pics of his day out ,some one wants to stick the knife in is sad.I dont know either of the protagonists in this debate so am neutral ,but why must it degenerate into a saluki V collie cross argument?

MB wins ONE match on the fens and now its "you don't need saluki blood on the fens".Your question asking why all the top match dogs have saluki blood is the most emphatic rebuttal,of the fans of collie and sundry other crosses for fen hares.Unfortunately when anyone points out this obvious fact ,they are told they are collie cross haters.I like both crosses ,HORSES FOR COURSES,a collie cross of mine is in the CW this week, a blue dog learning the ferreting game,I mention this just to show I'm not a colllie cross hater .Snoops dog looks a good sort ,and is certainly bred to do the job,without proof to the contrary ,lets accept his word.INAN.

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When this topic was posted I read it and thought to myself well done looks like you had a decent day. Now its 6 pages long and full of the usual bullshit the difference this time though is its a daywalker getting it in the neck about how he kills hares not a lamper :clapper: :11:

Edited by joe ox
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When this topic was posted I read it and thought to myself well done looks like you had a decent day. Now its 6 pages long and full of the usual bullshit the difference this time though is its a daywalker getting it in the neck about how he kills hares not a lamper :clapper: :11:



but joe , snoop is also a nightwalker as well, :thumbs: i have seen is other dog work well on the lamp. i do think its poor when iether camp , day or night lads , have a go at the others. i realy cant get my head round it. personly i could never stop lamping , or daywalking , love them both. and have dogs for both , with a bit of crossover.


live and let live boys.


would be intresting to see the king of the fens have another run there, after all his dog has cought 3 hares on the fens, :notworthy: in TOTAL :clapper:

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iam not running nobody anywhere i go out with a certain few which some have better dogs running then mine at the moment and some dont .....we enjoy the day have a good laugh ........i go out and enjoy my days out.....ive nothing to prove ....TO ANYONE......my young dog is running pretty good for his age and size and iam hoping he will be a bit speical next season... iam not claiming him to be a superstar....or anything else ..........i put a post on here ...because he flushed well that day ...it isnt the first time hes had these numbers.....but on this particular day i was proud of the dog.....i dont give a dam about what crosses are used where,..yes i do want a good dog ....i want the very best out of my dog.....mark no offense but your not the sort of person i want to spend a day hunting with,.....take this how you like ...but in this game not all of us will get on.....and i got a feeling me and you wont.....all the best snoop...

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Guest mickyrichardson
ive been a member on all these forums a long time and theres always a bitter taste in peoples mouths when coursing and collie xs or brought in to the ecuition,or any other dogs besides silly saluki xs snoops you say you will run anyone i know for a fact 100% mb and cat will run razor on the hares over brindle mate so when do you fancy it????????????????all the best and nice dog

Mark by the time you get home then organise a run with Snoop it would be the back end of Feb, you should of taken someone up mid to late Jan on the Fen to really see what Cat was made of.

been away from mid jan to now i know what cat is made of mate been there done that now it can be snoops turn for brindle he knows the ground as well cats brother did 5 out of 5 in 1 day there so there you go shes just an easy lamping dog she done the fens and came away on top now its somewere harder,oh and my mate had 3 retreaved the other wk on the fens with a 6 yr old hancock bitch i people say they need saluki in them

mr brick how were the lady boys did you have fun lol did you bring yourself a little mail order wife home :icon_redface: good going snoop ATB with razor looks a handy dog hope he serves you well :victory:
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When this topic was posted I read it and thought to myself well done looks like you had a decent day. Now its 6 pages long and full of the usual bullshit the difference this time though is its a daywalker getting it in the neck about how he kills hares not a lamper :clapper: :11:

With respect Joe I don't think how he kills hares is the point ,the man's word was questioned on the basis that the hare's appear to be unmarked.Many lads do both day and Night running ,I do myself,I didnt lamp hares, Pre ban ,but that is a personal choice.I don't see any reason for a divide between day or night hunters.Just in the absence of proof to the contrary I take a man's word,Snoops wasn't biiging his dog up as far as I can see ,just putting a post up about his great day out.

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