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The Wrekin Crew

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the lads are from wigan, and there doubled up to make the dvd, a few up there like to keep there dogs racier for running other stuff , and tend to not breed too much bull in to the dogs , and i think theres a lot of pye bred dogs up there

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  Welsh All Black said:
I recently started a thread on Punch lines on here and was very glad I did, a lot of very interesting feedback from genuine boys who knew the breeding , there has also been a thred on Reece's Billy, again with good feedback, but I saw this DVD a while ago called the Wrekin Crew, a gang of boys from(I think the Barnsley area, but not sure), lamping foxes from the back of an old GPO van.

The sport was shit hot, :D I found myself sitting at the edge of my seat as the coursing was on go. Some of these dogs were really outstanding, one pair were a black and white duo, just out of interest,would anyone know the breeding of these dogs, what lines etc, also a red and white dog called Danny.




WAB :victory:


By all means PM me if anything a bit to juicy for normal reading. Cheers. And if you haven't seen it, watch it, you'll be glad you did, I was.

iv seen that dvd its a cracker , i owned the red and white dog danny bought him off a mate of mine then gave it him back because of a kannel fight, but a very good dog for that game, he were only about 2 when i had him, but i knew he would make the grade, a good bloke called t, broadhurst bred him i think. cheers

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  lampingmad said:
very good topic this cant wait to here some of the tails and s**t

as i no the lads in the dvd very well and all there dogs are 100% single handed

there is a big difference in 1 fox a night and 7,8 and 9 foxes a night


I think your right what your saying about 7,8 or 9 fox a night mate but i dont no if some of the dogs in the dvd were young but i thought some of them were shying of there fox abit untill the other dog got in with them ;)

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  gtomo said:
  lampingmad said:
very good topic this cant wait to here some of the tails and s**t

as i no the lads in the dvd very well and all there dogs are 100% single handed

there is a big difference in 1 fox a night and 7,8 and 9 foxes a night


I think your right what your saying about 7,8 or 9 fox a night mate but i dont no if some of the dogs in the dvd were young but i thought some of them were shying of there fox abit untill the other dog got in with them ;)

dvd sounds good were can i buy a copy from ?

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Guest it's all my land after 12
  mistbar said:
"a 30 pound fox" ..... had many foxes on the lamp over the last 28 years but never one this big ..... was shown a pic by a very creditable

hunting man of a monster big fat 30 plus (i think 35lbs ) fox ..dug by terriers that was living on mc donalds ... it was snuffed real quick.

but very very few 30 pounders around .

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For what it is the dvd is good..


My pal knew the lads and went out with them acouple of times


he got a dog bred down from there retired now was 100 % and single.


The lad was on the dvd at the dig his terrier dug the fox and was one of the lurchers who ran the fox..


If folk dont like the dvd fair play its a old disc now but how many good foxing dvds with lurchers are out there??

Edited by Giro
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Well said Giro, I can only think of a couple, fair play to the lads for filming their dogs and putting it out there, takes time and dedication to produce a dvd, perhaps mistbar and the other slaggers should produce their own dvds of their singlehanded fox dogs :clapper:

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