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scum pure scum

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Guest foxyjo.

Dan, I was completely stunned when I read your post. I can't put into words what I think of the man who did this to your family...what utter, utter filth.


Well done to your brave little boy - to struggle with a grown man over his dog. It must have been terrifying... What a brave lad he must be, and what a man he will grow up to be. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: I hope with all my heart he gets his dog back. My lad is the same age...makes me sweat to think of someone treating him that way.


All the very, very best with your hunt.



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  zigzag dan said:
this afternoon my 12yr old son took out our 17mth bull x and 8mth old saluki x for a walk - after half hour my phone rang it was him hystericaly trying to tell me some filth pulled up in a pick up - yes youve guessed it with a chin beard and irish accent - and after a struggle drove off with the bullx !as you can imagine we are both devastated -using my contacts in the local lurcherworld -and underworld we are closing in on this b*****d -my only worry is now that when he finds out whose involved he may dump him or shoot him-one day he will cry like my lad is now



Dont trust any traveller they are a load of scum bags who grass and rob each other so they will show no respect to any one else, Be carefull what you do to these pieces of ssshit they will be the first to phone the law as soon as there in trouble, They are just like pakis when it comes to money ,they have no honour amongest each other what so ever so be carefull what you do hope it all goes well for you!!! R C

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  oneredtrim said:
  oneredtrim said:
If .


dont blame you....'GOOD'


you talk f*****g gibberish!...'I talk however i want'...i'm big on parity.


I tell you something that ain't gibberish....there are no Gypos marching up and down the landings in Belmarsh making anyone have anything...easy to work out.


What?? :blink:


This fellas had his kid threatend and his dog nicked and your gibbering on about johnny adair and belmarsh...think you got some sort of keyboard torretts!

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  oneredtrim said:
  oneredtrim said:
If .


dont blame you....'GOOD'


you talk f*****g gibberish!...'I talk however i want'...i'm big on parity.


I tell you something that ain't gibberish....there are no Gypos marching up and down the landings in Belmarsh making anyone have anything...easy to work out.

do you know any true romany travlers and are you on drugs have you had your dull money or something had some gear so we are grasses now comeplete bollucks youv clearly never met a romany we have pride and honour and do not steal or grass dont get us confused with other people im really sick of this and as for pakis you dont see many of them on drugs or dull

i feel bad for the lads ive offered my help and i dont need to prove myself but ive even offered help to doglost before before you all judge us you have to met us as again zigzag i wish you luck he has also said travlers are helping him so the rest of you nazi wankers kiss my gypsy ass

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