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tree rat problem

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hi buddy

ask deker he has had a few ,and the experience.personally its not a quarry i come across a lot but have had a couple and just hide shoot em. but i have heard that if you were to bait them use peanut butter or chocolate spread hope this helps?

happy hunting



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what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)



Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! :thumbs:


As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! :thumbs:


AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot...


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what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)



Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! :thumbs:


As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! :thumbs:


AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot...


did you eat all those tree rats?!

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what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)



Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! :thumbs:


As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! :thumbs:


AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot...


did you eat all those tree rats?!


Nope, shared them around..some went to the staff at the site I shot them on, my Game Dealer had 10 and my 2 fox families ate well for a few days!!

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what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)



Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! :thumbs:


As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! :thumbs:


AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot...



Was that your Best Day's Shoot ?




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Guest Catcher
what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)


Hi aaronpigeonplucerand i must say that is some name Fisrt off all yes you can stalk them but a squirel is like any other quarry.The more it is hunted the wiser it gets.It will become more alert to scent and sound and will bolt to the nearest drey ,tree hole or in the summer hide at the very top of a well shrubed tree at the slitest sonud.I find if this happends. Just pick a spot near by and sit quietly most time,s it will reapear Whitin ten to fifteen mins.If you have sat at the right spot you will nail the little tree rat. On the Other hand groud that is not worked much they tend to run up the nearest tree and sit on the first V This is where the tree will ark Take your time and aim well 9 out of ten you will get the littel pest.On to bait I say yes as bait will work whit most quarry .Watch where the squirrels are patroling or feeding pick a good hideing spot and leave the bait witin shooting range.They may not start to find it for a week.Have look every few days till you kwow they are takeing it I bet you once they start feeding off your bait you will nail them time and time again.I wouldend say hollow points are better.It,s all down to where you hit it .Away aim for the head if possible or just under the front legs as this is all the main organs are.All the Best and happy hunting :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

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Guest Catcher
what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)



Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! :thumbs:


As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! :thumbs:


AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot...


That is a nice bag of squirrels mate. :victory::victory:

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what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)


Hi aaronpigeonplucerand i must say that is some name Fisrt off all yes you can stalk them but a squirel is like any other quarry.The more it is hunted the wiser it gets.It will become more alert to scent and sound and will bolt to the nearest drey ,tree hole or in the summer hide at the very top of a well shrubed tree at the slitest sonud.I find if this happends. Just pick a spot near by and sit quietly most time,s it will reapear Whitin ten to fifteen mins.If you have sat at the right spot you will nail the little tree rat. On the Other hand groud that is not worked much they tend to run up the nearest tree and sit on the first V This is where the tree will ark Take your time and aim well 9 out of ten you will get the littel pest.On to bait I say yes as bait will work whit most quarry .Watch where the squirrels are patroling or feeding pick a good hideing spot and leave the bait witin shooting range.They may not start to find it for a week.Have look every few days till you kwow they are takeing it I bet you once they start feeding off your bait you will nail them time and time again.I wouldend say hollow points are better.It,s all down to where you hit it .Away aim for the head if possible or just under the front legs as this is all the main organs are.All the Best and happy hunting :gunsmilie::gunsmilie:


thanks catcher! i chose the name pigeon plucker because thats how i got into hunting. after i lernt how to de- breast pigeon expertly (if i do say so myself!) i got paid to prepare pigeons for pepole after a big shotgun shoot. i never did any pigeon shootinng myself!

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what's the best way to hunt squirrels? do you try to stalk them, hide shoot them, stake out or bait up an arier for them? also would hollowpoints be better suited for tree rats than domed at a range of under 15yards?

pigeon plucker ;)



Use the most accurate pellet you can get in your gun. Almost certainly a domed pellet, you do not need the terminal effect of HP at 15 yards on a squirrel, accuracy, at a very small kill zone is best, and HP are not known for accuracy! :thumbs:


As for the best way to hunt, as we have discussed ..there isn't a best way, all land and circumstances are different and so different approaches work better in different situations!! :thumbs:


AA Field 5.51 Domed took this lot...



Was that your Best Day's Shoot ?





Certainly was, and still is for Squirrels, in the normal course of events if I ever get up to double figures on squirrels in a day it is a good session! But this land had a BIG problem and whilst I did it, and obviously take the credit for it, anyone who could shoot straight could have done the same on this land! :thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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how do you gut and skin a squirrel?

pigweon plucker



Just the same as a rabbit, but you will find it takes just as long and the return is far less!


...and after this I tend to cook them whole, wrap them up in tin foil with mixed herds and spices (onion as well if you want) bit of butter and about 180C for not too long, turn whilst cooking (good to do like this on the BBQ as well).........you will get the hang of it....lot of chefs have all sorts of girlie ways of cookng but this is easy and quick, and if it is a tough one (throw it away) or cook a little longer making sure it stays moist..... anyway enough of the cookery lessons, I suspect others will have lots of recipes!

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