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what should i get

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i'm getting a lurcher this year, it will be my first for about 15 years , i want something for rabbiting easy to train, good marker ,just for day time rabbits , i fancy a bullxwhippet but can't find one or a weaton x don't want nothing with collie in it ,as my terriers just don't like collie blood .....what should i go for ???

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Guest Merlin
i'm getting a lurcher this year, it will be my first for about 15 years , i want something for rabbiting easy to train, good marker ,just for day time rabbits , i fancy a bullxwhippet but can't find one or a weaton x don't want nothing with collie in it ,as my terriers just don't like collie blood .....what should i go for ???


If its just day time rabitts why not go for a pure whippet? if your wanting better nose a bedlington whippet might suit. Why would you want bull x for Rabitts?


Not my cup of tea persoanlly but they are tried and tested rabitt dogs and what i would go for if daytime rabbits were my sole quarry

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merlin , i want something with a bit of bone in it as the ground around here is a bit rough for a pure whippet , a collie cross is the right type in this area, but my terriers have a inbred hartred of collies , IanB one of my fav lurchers was a bull/grey/whippet, but never see the cross now ?

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I got a black pup here you can have for fcuk all. I got fcuked about by a few blokes off smoochers, saying they wanted it then not hearing off them again, its a dog pup 3/4grey 1/4 wheaten x 3/8 5/8 pitbull...pm me if you're interested.................CARREG



you have pm :good:

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