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ebay stud dog

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Guest whitser

dont see why some lads are emailing him to give him stick. he's been honest from the start. never said the dog was a worker, its a pet. as i said at least he's beibg honest about his dog and motives which is more then can be said about some in the "working terrier" world.


i say ignore him.

Edited by whitser
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sounds fecking mad 400 for the dog 250 stud mad . now i aint making this fool right. BUT when i met a fellar at a show a man from derbishire 20 terriers pluse at any one show . all lake land type .black reds. black n tans. all winning very well. well bred animals . now at the time i just wanted a dog of that type only owning a couple of mongrely p***y bred russells .witch i wouldnt swap for the world. but looking into this blokes van an seeing these terriers of witch i just had to have one. now these dogs were showers probaly aint been worked . but me beeing green and didnt give a feck bout the money offerd 500 pound for one of his dogs . and id have propaly took any one of em . this fecker wouldnt sell me one of em. to say i was gutted was an understatment. it turned out he had two choclate pups back home ready to go. so i give him 50 quid thier an then .left the show in ipswich drove back to kent. got some money then headed straight up to dearby to get one of these pups. 175 pound . thought am i being stripped here. but seeing the quality of his dogs took a chance .anyway got to his house in the pitch black were i was invited out to his kennels wictch were just massive well over 50 terriers heat lamps every were .then kindley tossing me this small ball of brown fluff saying thats your one . then back into his house to sought the money out. now this mans house was just one massive trophy cabinet. ANYWAY cut the long story short i won eight shows on the trot with this pup kept taking him out no in trest trying trying . didnt even wanna look at an hole i didnnt mind no rush just keep taking him out and let him make his own mind up .eighteen month it was like flicking a switch on . he self enterd an now loves it thiers no stopping him . but just to think i might have give a 500 for him an you no what. i wouldnt sell him for 6 so these so called non workers can come good in the end.....

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dont see why some lads are emailing him to give him stick. he's been honest from the start. never said the dog was a worker, its a pet. as i said at least he's beibg honest about his dog and motives which is more then can be said about some in the "working terrier" world.


i say ignore him.


Whitser is only 1 of 2 or 3 people to comment sensibly!!!! Well done those guys.

YES I AM THE OWNER OF THIS AWESOME DOG. I am not scared to SPEAK to you and LISTEN and TAKE ON BOARD your COMMENTS. One thing i will not take is your ABUSE.

Are you people capable of offering someone who knows nothing of working terriers some advice and guidance, or just flex your muscles, call people twats and swear a lot?????????? (time will tell) Mitch is the 3rd patterdale PET in my family. we have never worked dogs!!!! I am trying to appeal to families, I cannot ignore the fact he is from working stock. If i was feeding bullshit about him working and trying to breed him with working dogs of good honest land people like yourself (i live in rural Derbyshire) then i deserve to be ripped to shreds on your website! You would b surprised how many non working Patterdale owners there are!!!. there are 5 owners we know of in our village alone!

OK ppl i havn't run away and hidden, here i am, asking for your advice. Abuse me if you wish but dont expect any answers or respect. Thank you for your time, and for any genuine upset caused i do apologise.

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