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Rodentator prosecution...

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Well, just got a call the other day about the first prosecution of its type , the farmer in question had been using the device to "destroy" burrows (allegedly) but what he failed to notice was that these holes were actually part of a large badger sett. The farmer , (who i won't name) from Kent was fined £1600 plus £1062 costs!! Bet he wished he had never set eyes on that Rodentator now!!

I should imagien there will be more prosecutions to follow regarding the indiscriminate use of this product. The crux of the problem is that no one can be 100% certain there arent live animals in the holes/earths/warreens when they detonate the device.

The day this is banned in the UK will be welcomed by many, myself included....JD

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I dont like em either :thumbdown:


Like you say 'it was only a matter of time'! Hope this mans prosecution serves as a lesson to anyone thinking about buying one.


As you will know, these divices are widely misused and I hope DEFRA realise this sooner rather than later...


Its disturbing how easy it is to find them advertised on the net though, and often with very little written in the advert, that states they shouldnt be used to kill animals, just destroy tunnels.


Thanks for sharing

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