scent 509 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 in ireland we the fathers have no rights at all.I split up with my childs mother when he was 8 months old.Iv always payed maintenance and more through the last 7 years.I bought a house 4 year ago and moved in with my girlfriwnd so my ex tried to stop me access to my kidso i brought her to court for access ,her way of getting me back was to look for more money which i agreed to ,100 euro a week .Now i have my son monday to friday from 2-6 and on weekends friday overnight til sunday and i still have to pay 100 euro eben though im only working 3 day a week .Now im not complaining i love him to bits and wouldn change a thing but how can our system justify me paying over a1/3 of my wages to my ex even though i have my child more than she does.And as for the statement if you breed them feed them how fookin dare you talk of kids like dogs "if you breed them feed them" Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest foxyjo. Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 I have 2 little boys, with 2 different fathers. Foxcub is 12 and his father is a good man. We never fell out, he gives me something every month, it was our arrangement. When I was earning and he wasn't, I told him to forget it until he was back on his feet, and when I was strapped he gave me a bit extra. The CSA spent weeks writing letters threatening all sorts if I didn't give them his details. I had to get everything in writing, from him and me and prove that he gave me this money, and in the end they let go of it. A perfectly decent man doing his duty by his lad, that they hounded. Little Kit's (15 months) father is a shit. He's seen him about 4 times and not in over a year now. No contact. No money. Nothing. Although it was him who wanted me to have a baby. The man is driving round in a brand new discovery, but apparently he doesn't need to give anything to help with his son. To be honest, I would sooner chew my own limbs off than take money from that revolting piece of shite now, but right after I had the baby and was living in a caravan as he had stolen all mine and my other son's money, I had to ask for income support, for the first time in my life. They gave me 13p a week until I provided his details. So basically held me to ransom. I gave in, they do nothing. Still 13p a week, so back to work carting a baby with me, having paid taxes all my working life. Bugger the lot of them. good luck with the sods. Get your son to put everything in writing, and if they still hound the poor bugger, tell him to get to Citizens advice pronto. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scent 509 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 I have 2 little boys, with 2 different fathers. Foxcub is 12 and his father is a good man. We never fell out, he gives me something every month, it was our arrangement. When I was earning and he wasn't, I told him to forget it until he was back on his feet, and when I was strapped he gave me a bit extra. The CSA spent weeks writing letters threatening all sorts if I didn't give them his details. I had to get everything in writing, from him and me and prove that he gave me this money, and in the end they let go of it. A perfectly decent man doing his duty by his lad, that they hounded. Little Kit's (15 months) father is a shit. He's seen him about 4 times and not in over a year now. No contact. No money. Nothing. Although it was him who wanted me to have a baby. The man is driving round in a brand new discovery, but apparently he doesn't need to give anything to help with his son. To be honest, I would sooner chew my own limbs off than take money from that revolting piece of shite now, but right after I had the baby and was living in a caravan as he had stolen all mine and my other son's money, I had to ask for income support, for the first time in my life. They gave me 13p a week until I provided his details. So basically held me to ransom. I gave in, they do nothing. Still 13p a week, so back to work carting a baby with me, having paid taxes all my working life. Bugger the lot of them. good luck with the sods. Get your son to put everything in writing, and if they still hound the poor bugger, tell him to get to Citizens advice pronto. i feel your pain but we are not all c**ts ,that i promise you Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest foxyjo. Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 I know you're not Scent. But it makes a girl a bit wary!! I just object to being held to ransom the first time I ever ask for anything, and having a good and loving Dad pestered and hounded because of it, and the piece of shit who put me in that position, driving round in a new disco, being let off scott free. Fecking crazy init?? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
scent 509 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 I know you're not Scent. But it makes a girl a bit wary!! I just object to being held to ransom the first time I ever ask for anything, and having a good and loving Dad pestered and hounded because of it, and the piece of shit who put me in that position, driving round in a new disco, being let off scott free. Fecking crazy init?? foxy i know where your coming from that piece of shit doesnt deserve to have a kids love ,father or not your kid will grow uo and see him for what he really is so its him thats missing out in the long run Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest foxyjo. Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 You're absolutely spot on Scent. He deserves nothing, especially nothing as wonderful as Little Kit could give him. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
craftycarper 0 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 I have 2 little boys, with 2 different fathers. Foxcub is 12 and his father is a good man. We never fell out, he gives me something every month, it was our arrangement. When I was earning and he wasn't, I told him to forget it until he was back on his feet, and when I was strapped he gave me a bit extra. The CSA spent weeks writing letters threatening all sorts if I didn't give them his details. I had to get everything in writing, from him and me and prove that he gave me this money, and in the end they let go of it. A perfectly decent man doing his duty by his lad, that they hounded. Little Kit's (15 months) father is a shit. He's seen him about 4 times and not in over a year now. No contact. No money. Nothing. Although it was him who wanted me to have a baby. The man is driving round in a brand new discovery, but apparently he doesn't need to give anything to help with his son. To be honest, I would sooner chew my own limbs off than take money from that revolting piece of shite now, but right after I had the baby and was living in a caravan as he had stolen all mine and my other son's money, I had to ask for income support, for the first time in my life. They gave me 13p a week until I provided his details. So basically held me to ransom. I gave in, they do nothing. Still 13p a week, so back to work carting a baby with me, having paid taxes all my working life. Bugger the lot of them. good luck with the sods. Get your son to put everything in writing, and if they still hound the poor bugger, tell him to get to Citizens advice pronto. what a crock of shite, how the feck do they expect you to raise,clothe ,feed a kid on 13p a week...and yet johnny foriegner can bunk in get given a house, benifits galore for his wife and ten kids,help with clothing and education and people let us get naff all makes me sick Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Guest foxyjo. Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 It made me sick to my stomach too. If you play by the rules - work hard, pay your taxes, they don't give a damn. What I should have done was have a nervous breakdown. Someone I know has 2 horses at livery and a brand new Ifor Williams on the strength of incapacity benefit due to her "mental health". And she's PROUD OF IT!!!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
donk 12 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 I cant be arsed to go into All the details,but , when my ex wife asked me to leave the house (nothing that i had done wrong i must add,i still hold the moral high ground and thats important to me) I agreed she could have the house and everything in it,i would pay her £100 a week cash in hand ( i was self employed and making decent money) so i basically left with my clothes,my van and my cash point card . My daughter was 19 and lived in a flat that we owned and rented out to her. In the years leading up to the break up i had also owned 2 other flats which had been done up and rented out,then sold and made us a tidy profit. When my dad died he left me a decent amount of money,most of which i put down on the house as a deposit. I know its getting boring,but keep reading cos it gets better So i goes to the bank and tells them i want to check the balance of my joint account and make a withdrawl. Bearing in mind my ex was the one who banked all the money,although the rents were obviously paid by direct debits. I had no idea how much was in this account,and man did i get a shock There was just over £2000,and some might say 'thats not bad'. But,there should of been,the profit off 2 flats,the money my dad left me or what was left of it,the money from her business and the money from my business. Also i had bought shares in 2 private companies that had repaid what i had invested by over 1000%. So im not sure how much i thought was in there,but i guess i was thinking around about £50,000 plus,thoug when i sat down and done a rough estimation it should have been more. So now im straight round to the ex wifes,after withdrawing my half of what was left in the account asking her where all the moneys gone? And what does she do? She laughs in my face and walks away from me A few weeks later i get a letter off her solicitor saying she wants more money and that they are going to involve the CSA and can i submit my accounts to the solicitor. Im not going to pull my punches,im totally honest about this,when my marriage ended i was gutted,it nearly finished me off. Then when all this started coming on top i felt even worse. At the time i had 2 good mates who had nowt to do with the dirty deeds that had lead to the break up,one of them is a lad who is on here,i'll call him 'bonny lad' who must of been sick of m e banging on about stuff,lol. And the other one was a builder who i was doing contract work for,Charlie. Charlie had a word with me,cos hes quite a wise old fella and i took his advice and listened to what he told me. Which was basically that i should make myself worth nothing,walk away from everything for a few years then when my son was out at work and i no longer had to support him start again. As i said earlier ive not went into everything thats happened,it would take pages and pages to tell the full story. But basically i sold the van with some of the contracts i worked For £1600,which paid off my credit card,bought me a 10 year old car and left me with about £1000 taking into account the money i took out the bank. And now we get to the whole point of this extremely long and boring post ive made,lol, when the CSA got in touch i submitted my accounts,told them i was in and out of work (doing agency work and labouring). They sent me a letter back saying i had to pay £17 a week for my son. Which i did until he left school and started working. That was 3 years ago.Though i would give him money when he came to see me so that he always had cash in his pocket. I still see my son,not as much as id like to,but hes at that age where beer and women are the most important things in the world bless him. But the important thing for me is that he understands. Ive never said stuff to him about me and his mam unless hes asked. And ive always told him that if he asks me a question i will tell him the truth,but that he might not like or understand the truth. Broke my heart to have to leave my boy back then,now hes older hes able to understand. He knows i done nowt wrong and that i gave it 100% everyday,were best mates now. As far as money goes? well ive got a fifteen year plan. Going to get my flat done up,im working 12 hour night shifts to save as much money as i can,going to rent my flat out,buy another one and see about getting that one done up and do the same again. Why? Because that way i can repay my kids for all the love care and understanding that theyve shown me these last 3 to 4 years. When im dead and gone the flats will be left to them and my ex wont be able to touch any of it,only thing she can get off me now is part of my pension. Im not a hard man,bit of a soft twat when it comes to women to be honest,but what i do see is how much heartache my son in particular went through,though my daughter was also obviously affected. The money realy means nothing to me,its all the lies,hatred and lack of morals that gets to me,im no angel,but the kids,whatever their ages have to come first. The CSA are eejits,totally messed up and clueless,but if you get onto them early enough and produce evidence of your income it can sometimes,work better for you,not always though. Good luck all with your dealings with them,i know its a bit of a minefield,been there and got the scars,lol. Oh and sorry its such a long wandering post,but i feel better now all thats off my chest :clapper: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Missie 1 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 Foxyjo I can sympathise. My ex is a shit too and although I want nothing to do with him my daughter does, not that it seems to make a difference to him though. I had no choice but to go with the CSA and I still struggle as a student. My daughter is starting to learn that he's a waste of space, he's not seen her since her birthday 7 months ago, despite effort on my part so now i've given up. He went 3 years before and I honestly don't know how any absent parent can go that long without seeing their children. Thank god I never married him! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
artic 595 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 If you breed them.............feed them! I have bred 2, and they do get fed, clothed etc............. My way! Their mum had refused to pay the mortgage, bills etc... when she moved out for 3 years. She moved out of a lovely cottage, lovely village to a council home shit hole in the town. Yes applied whilst still owning a house.........(DECEPTION)!!!!!! I then set up 2 seperate bank accounts for both my children, money each month goes into those accounts, they dont have access at the minute due to their age's, but when they do they will have more than enough for their education, car etc........... Im in the process this minute of taken her off the mortgage and being replaced with someone else. As for the CSA, well she would be very stupid to set them on me! Most woman use this evil agency to gain money for themselves, lets face it not all the money goes to the up keep of the children and a roof over their heads, and yes i dont care what you think, this is a FACT!!! SPONGE SPONGE SPONGE!!!! Let the fireworks begin! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wulf 32 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 i have the misfortune to have to deal with them from time to time at work and they are an absolute bunch of morons - they couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery one of our lads was paying 97 quid a week and they said his ex missus only got £10 of it a week so where was the rest going? then when you ring up you get a patronising jobsworth on the phone who sounds like he has got a long net peg up his ar$e Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Waz 4,274 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 (edited) Ive got 2 children, myself and there mother (my common law wife) are blissfully happy together & hopefully we will stay that way, but never say never. Anyway, after events in my own life, I have taken steps to protect my childrens future or at least help them out, they will both inherit a property each (at this moment in time) & always have a bedroom here with us. I was putting money aside for driving lessons and a car, but decided that I would put that towards property. 16 years ago (im older than I look!) some freak claimed I was the father of her child a long while back (when the csa were in the news after several fathers topped themselves,,,poor blokes). I was involved with the bird to my shame, and it was possible I could have been the father, anyway I opted to let them proove I was the father, never heard anything from them ever again. & since heard via her parents that I wasnt. SICK BITCH & that goes for all of them,,,,,,,,,omly joking. But hell hath no fury like a women scorned. My man cub and my dog pup. Edited January 30, 2009 by GD Waz Quote Link to post Share on other sites
halfx 3 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 little fish what a childish little saying you have posted.seems to me most on here are paying their way,are you bitter towards men who can have children,does little fish really mean little willy, you work for the csa. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Waz 4,274 Posted January 30, 2009 Report Share Posted January 30, 2009 In my experience and from what ive seen, the CSA is a great tool for a scorned woman to get revenge. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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